晚上跟姐姐去吃晚餐 ◕‿◕
吃完过后姐姐载我跟她的朋友去TESCO EXTRA买弄半生熟鸡蛋的东西
可是我自己也很懒惰弄 可是又想肥 ( ¯ □ ¯ )
杀了我吧 ==
那里有一个书展 虽然我不是书虫 但是我也是喜欢看书的
但我也不是什么书都看 o(‧"‧)o
我看到TWILIGHT墓光之城的书 ♥
之前我在大众书局看到就想买了 但是一半正版的RM70+ ( ¯ □ ¯ )
翻版的一本才RM28 而且还买二送一 刚刚好三本 ≥▽≤
我不是有钱家的女儿 没办法买那么贵的书啦 ╯﹏╰
对了 昨天我跟妈妈聊天 跟她讲了很多自己平常都不说的事情
妈妈 你的女儿虽然不完全是一个成熟的人 但是还是会想的 ∪ω∪
今天去学校真的浪费时间 ==
整天跟朋友们聊天聊天还是聊天 ==
有人投诉说我的BLOG的文章有时实在太长 很闷 (..)
应该改一改吧 可是我的人本来都是很死板 ( ¯ □ ¯ )
去补习时 还真不知道为什么我会整个人撞到车镜 ==
车转弯 我在按信息 平衡不到 撞上去了 -____-"
我的天啊 我的生活怎么那么怪啊 ==
去补习还给补习老师欺负 ╯﹏╰
算了 命运坎坷 ==
好了 不要写那么多 免得等下他们又说我写太长 @@
喜欢 是浅浅的爱 ♥
爱 是深深的喜欢 ♥
Monday, June 29, 2009
Sunday, June 28, 2009
眉与眉之前总是出现很多波纹 (-.-)
也不知道什么时候开始 心情就不大好 容易为了一些平常自己不在意的事情发脾气
对不起,我的朋友受罪了 >"<¦¦
Edwin 祖姻 Michelle
我已经有两年多没有为那种事情生气了 但却在那天突然非常在意
我知道你不是有心的 我却在大家面前发你那么大的脾气
对于对你们的脾气 我真的觉得很对不起
我真的不是有心的 即使在家我也是这样
真的觉得自己没有什么好 尤其是脾气
我的朋友 你们辛苦了 谢谢你们的包容
我真的有很努力在改了 但是还是不够
而我的负面想法好像根本没有少过 最近反而增加了
我知道很多事情是我自找麻烦 就连老师都说只要我不想那么多 我的生活一定是最快乐的
但是从小到大都是这样 真的很难改
改不成 反而严重了
Micheal Jackson去世了
星期五放学 家晋的妈妈在车上告诉我的
虽然我不是他的粉丝 但是我觉得全世界应该有一半以上的人都很难过吧
他虽然有很多负面新闻 但是他依然还有很多粉丝支持他
他创造了很多第一次 大家一定会很想念他 ≥^≤
其实我应该还有很多事情想写 但却什么都不记得了
我的鞋子跟裙子 \ ( > < ) /
裙子是新的关系所以很臭 ._.
鞋子比照片上好看呢 ≥▽≤
希望快点有机会穿 ♥
星期六 也就是今天 * 现在是凌晨2点 对我来说睡醒才是新的一天
我跟妈妈去CM做工 虽然很不想去 但是我还是去了
每次去我都不想说话 只想静静地去到那里
当然今天也一样 ≥▂≤
到了那里 那里异常的冷
我就一直到处乱跑 因为我真的很冷 {{{(>_<)}}}
妈妈说爸爸的钱包要坏了 想买新的给他
加上其实我还没有送爸爸父亲节的礼物 所以打算跟妈妈平分
我看中了一个皮包 感觉很MAN ∩ω∩
员工价是 RM109 因为我们是CM的员工
这个时候我就使出我经常惯用的个性 * 咋爹 / 撒娇 ≥▽≤
虽然不常用在血拼但是对于认识我的每个人都知道 我常常这样
最后我们以RM100成交! ^﹏^v
还可以把名字印在皮包上呢 ~
白色的皮 还有几朵粉紫的小花 我真的很喜欢呢
但是星期四发现它要坏了 ╯﹏╰
是时候换新的了 但是却不知道哪里可以买到合心意的皮包
而且本人处于就快破产的边缘 ._.
怎么办啊 ~!
姐姐要跟朋友出去吃饭 在房间里扮美美呢 ≥▽≤
真的很美啊 ~
真好 * 羡慕 ≥ω≤
姐姐把她的DIOR粉底送我 因为她说她买太多了 而且这款不晓得为什么不上粉
她说过这个粉底要RM200 + ⊙﹏⊙
天啊 ~!
在姐姐的化妆包看到一个陌生的唇膏 也是DIOR的
姐姐有十样东西 八样都是别人送的 * 羡慕啊 ⊙0⊙
跟我之前看到KATE的差不多 当然是DIOR的款式比较豪华啦
姐姐还买了两件背心给我 我打算明天穿去做工 因为我真的没有衣服了
还有一个粉红色黑色点点的盒子 超美的!
爱死了 ~! ♥
大约十点半 我们都回家了
今天中午明彬老婆约我跟祖姻去Mid Valley走走
但是我已经在CM了 祖姻老婆会去
好久没有跟明彬老婆走街了 ≥ω≤
ICE AGE 4 要上映了 我想看
Harry Potter And Half Blood Prince 要上映了 我更想看 ! ♥♥♥
眉与眉之前总是出现很多波纹 (-.-)
也不知道什么时候开始 心情就不大好 容易为了一些平常自己不在意的事情发脾气
对不起,我的朋友受罪了 >"<¦¦
Edwin 祖姻 Michelle
我已经有两年多没有为那种事情生气了 但却在那天突然非常在意
我知道你不是有心的 我却在大家面前发你那么大的脾气
对于对你们的脾气 我真的觉得很对不起
我真的不是有心的 即使在家我也是这样
真的觉得自己没有什么好 尤其是脾气
我的朋友 你们辛苦了 谢谢你们的包容
我真的有很努力在改了 但是还是不够
而我的负面想法好像根本没有少过 最近反而增加了
我知道很多事情是我自找麻烦 就连老师都说只要我不想那么多 我的生活一定是最快乐的
但是从小到大都是这样 真的很难改
改不成 反而严重了
Micheal Jackson去世了
星期五放学 家晋的妈妈在车上告诉我的
虽然我不是他的粉丝 但是我觉得全世界应该有一半以上的人都很难过吧
他虽然有很多负面新闻 但是他依然还有很多粉丝支持他
他创造了很多第一次 大家一定会很想念他 ≥^≤
其实我应该还有很多事情想写 但却什么都不记得了
我的鞋子跟裙子 \ ( > < ) /
裙子是新的关系所以很臭 ._.
鞋子比照片上好看呢 ≥▽≤
希望快点有机会穿 ♥
星期六 也就是今天 * 现在是凌晨2点 对我来说睡醒才是新的一天
我跟妈妈去CM做工 虽然很不想去 但是我还是去了
每次去我都不想说话 只想静静地去到那里
当然今天也一样 ≥▂≤
到了那里 那里异常的冷
我就一直到处乱跑 因为我真的很冷 {{{(>_<)}}}
妈妈说爸爸的钱包要坏了 想买新的给他
加上其实我还没有送爸爸父亲节的礼物 所以打算跟妈妈平分
我看中了一个皮包 感觉很MAN ∩ω∩
员工价是 RM109 因为我们是CM的员工
这个时候我就使出我经常惯用的个性 * 咋爹 / 撒娇 ≥▽≤
虽然不常用在血拼但是对于认识我的每个人都知道 我常常这样
最后我们以RM100成交! ^﹏^v
还可以把名字印在皮包上呢 ~
白色的皮 还有几朵粉紫的小花 我真的很喜欢呢
但是星期四发现它要坏了 ╯﹏╰
是时候换新的了 但是却不知道哪里可以买到合心意的皮包
而且本人处于就快破产的边缘 ._.
怎么办啊 ~!
姐姐要跟朋友出去吃饭 在房间里扮美美呢 ≥▽≤
真的很美啊 ~
真好 * 羡慕 ≥ω≤
姐姐把她的DIOR粉底送我 因为她说她买太多了 而且这款不晓得为什么不上粉
她说过这个粉底要RM200 + ⊙﹏⊙
天啊 ~!
在姐姐的化妆包看到一个陌生的唇膏 也是DIOR的
姐姐有十样东西 八样都是别人送的 * 羡慕啊 ⊙0⊙
跟我之前看到KATE的差不多 当然是DIOR的款式比较豪华啦
姐姐还买了两件背心给我 我打算明天穿去做工 因为我真的没有衣服了
还有一个粉红色黑色点点的盒子 超美的!
爱死了 ~! ♥
大约十点半 我们都回家了
今天中午明彬老婆约我跟祖姻去Mid Valley走走
但是我已经在CM了 祖姻老婆会去
好久没有跟明彬老婆走街了 ≥ω≤
ICE AGE 4 要上映了 我想看
Harry Potter And Half Blood Prince 要上映了 我更想看 ! ♥♥♥
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
其实在很就久之前就很想写华语了 但是有觉得好像又不大想
反正我就是莫名其妙的 ==
最近上网就一直在看网购的网页 害自己心动的想买 根本就是自己拿来的 ==
总觉得很想做工但是又不想不要读书 不过我做工只是为了购物吗?o(‧"‧)o
我还想快点考到执照 可是八百块耶 家境不大好不想爸爸妈妈付但是我又不可能有那么多钱啊
他们只要想想等下吃什么 穿什么 玩什么就好了
同人不用命啊 〒_〒
昨天跟老婆们出去喝茶 过后就去祖铟家睡觉 我们三个手长脚长身也长的人横睡在一个双人床上 脚都超出床了 o_o
睡了两个小时过后起床 有人陪着一起睡的感觉真好 ≥ω≤
回家过后 半夜三点才睡觉 ( ¯ □ ¯ )
我的老天啊 还我今天起床半生不死 可是去到学校就跟朋友狂聊天 ==
祖铟跟michelle去别班 因为个人因素我宁愿呆到自己班 (-.-)
偶尔跟男生们聊天其实还满不错的 他们聊的话题我都OK但是还是不要太过火啦
而且要是这种情形一直有的话 又会有闲话被说了 -_-
就这样聊一下 我就被他们捅了几刀 \(╯-╰)/
虽然他们只是开玩笑但是我还是很介意啦 x__x
男生都说我太没自信 别人还没有说我就先贬自己 而且常常皱眉头 ╯﹏╰
这也是没办法的事啊 谁叫我的老婆们就那么优秀 (° ο°)~@
俊文还说不要常常拿比自己好的人来比较会很辛苦 其实我好过很多人
他们都说叫我少一点负面想法 因为我的负面想法太多了 弄得自己烦恼多多 没事找事做 简称"多耶" ( ¯ □ ¯ )
从小到大就是这样 我看俊文说到口水都干了 因为他已经不是第一次说了 ==
等祖铟她们回来我就睡着了 真的很累了
放学回家了 ≥▽≤
回到家看到邮局给的通告 我的东西到了邮局但是我不在家 ==
拜托 早上九点多我还在学校 都还没有下课叻 ==
爸爸说等下回来帮我拿 希望拿到 本人很心急 ≥...≤
等下还有补习 在补习之前一定要睡觉 今天真的很累耶 -____-
而且明天还要做工 其他人去走街 TT
姐姐真的安排得不是时候叻 没办法跟他们一起 虽然在同一个百货公司啦 ==
韩版F4真的很好看叻 据我所知 几乎国中高中的女生都在看呢 里面的男主角们真的超帅 !
简直就是白马王子呢 ~! (>﹏<)
反正我就是莫名其妙的 ==
最近上网就一直在看网购的网页 害自己心动的想买 根本就是自己拿来的 ==
总觉得很想做工但是又不想不要读书 不过我做工只是为了购物吗?o(‧"‧)o
我还想快点考到执照 可是八百块耶 家境不大好不想爸爸妈妈付但是我又不可能有那么多钱啊
他们只要想想等下吃什么 穿什么 玩什么就好了
同人不用命啊 〒_〒
昨天跟老婆们出去喝茶 过后就去祖铟家睡觉 我们三个手长脚长身也长的人横睡在一个双人床上 脚都超出床了 o_o
睡了两个小时过后起床 有人陪着一起睡的感觉真好 ≥ω≤
回家过后 半夜三点才睡觉 ( ¯ □ ¯ )
我的老天啊 还我今天起床半生不死 可是去到学校就跟朋友狂聊天 ==
祖铟跟michelle去别班 因为个人因素我宁愿呆到自己班 (-.-)
偶尔跟男生们聊天其实还满不错的 他们聊的话题我都OK但是还是不要太过火啦
而且要是这种情形一直有的话 又会有闲话被说了 -_-
就这样聊一下 我就被他们捅了几刀 \(╯-╰)/
虽然他们只是开玩笑但是我还是很介意啦 x__x
男生都说我太没自信 别人还没有说我就先贬自己 而且常常皱眉头 ╯﹏╰
这也是没办法的事啊 谁叫我的老婆们就那么优秀 (° ο°)~@
俊文还说不要常常拿比自己好的人来比较会很辛苦 其实我好过很多人
他们都说叫我少一点负面想法 因为我的负面想法太多了 弄得自己烦恼多多 没事找事做 简称"多耶" ( ¯ □ ¯ )
从小到大就是这样 我看俊文说到口水都干了 因为他已经不是第一次说了 ==
等祖铟她们回来我就睡着了 真的很累了
放学回家了 ≥▽≤
回到家看到邮局给的通告 我的东西到了邮局但是我不在家 ==
拜托 早上九点多我还在学校 都还没有下课叻 ==
爸爸说等下回来帮我拿 希望拿到 本人很心急 ≥...≤
等下还有补习 在补习之前一定要睡觉 今天真的很累耶 -____-
而且明天还要做工 其他人去走街 TT
姐姐真的安排得不是时候叻 没办法跟他们一起 虽然在同一个百货公司啦 ==
韩版F4真的很好看叻 据我所知 几乎国中高中的女生都在看呢 里面的男主角们真的超帅 !
简直就是白马王子呢 ~! (>﹏<)
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Melting @@
Green House effect getting serious @@
ii going melt soon ==
every morning, afternoon, evening and night
sound pollution, air pollution, water pollution OTHERS POLLUTION !
thats hot @@
ohya ~
yesterday went to grandma house as usual
we also went to dinner with my uncle's family
my cousin brother * elder had been came back from Australia xDDD
he getting mature and handsome xDDD
wakakakakaka ~
he still single now ^^
anyone interest? =)
today ii should be going CM work
but ii over slept again ==
they complained that ii woke up late but no one awake mii ><
so ii decided stayed home and finish my housework
today is june 21
SPM coming soon @@
but ii still not yet get ready for it ><
feel headache when think about this ==
my god
everyone around mii keep on asking about my SPM
am ii get ready yet ?
study hard
my result
my school life
ii dont know how to answer all this question because II NOT YET GET READY ==
ohya ~
today father's day ^^
have you all wish your dadi ? o.0
ii not yet ==
ii dont know how to wish him ><
feel so weird and embrassing ==
later night going dinner with my family for celebrate father's day =]
tomorrow school day again ==
ii need to clip all my hair become a nerd ==
and my uniform too
girls got fringe without clip it mean she is stupid ?
girls got hair and didnt tie it mean she is idiot ?
girls wear FIT uniform mean bixxx ?
really dont know what reason cause that old virgin keep on aim at form5 student ==
if you are same school with mii, as you can see
there are alot student catch by hair or uniform or other problems but mostly is form5 student
there have alot formr3 and form 4 student have much more serious problem ==
they didnt tie their hair however they did they not as tidy as us
their uniform is TIGHT not FIT even we can see their panties ==
ZuYin and Lena their gantung had been cancel by friday
because Jeanie told us that alot parents went to school and complained with it
around 100 student kena gantung ==
now all things settle ^^
ii going melt soon ==
every morning, afternoon, evening and night
sound pollution, air pollution, water pollution OTHERS POLLUTION !
thats hot @@
ohya ~
yesterday went to grandma house as usual
we also went to dinner with my uncle's family
my cousin brother * elder had been came back from Australia xDDD
he getting mature and handsome xDDD
wakakakakaka ~
he still single now ^^
anyone interest? =)
today ii should be going CM work
but ii over slept again ==
they complained that ii woke up late but no one awake mii ><
so ii decided stayed home and finish my housework
today is june 21
SPM coming soon @@
but ii still not yet get ready for it ><
feel headache when think about this ==
my god
everyone around mii keep on asking about my SPM
am ii get ready yet ?
study hard
my result
my school life
ii dont know how to answer all this question because II NOT YET GET READY ==
ohya ~
today father's day ^^
have you all wish your dadi ? o.0
ii not yet ==
ii dont know how to wish him ><
feel so weird and embrassing ==
later night going dinner with my family for celebrate father's day =]
tomorrow school day again ==
ii need to clip all my hair become a nerd ==
and my uniform too
girls got fringe without clip it mean she is stupid ?
girls got hair and didnt tie it mean she is idiot ?
girls wear FIT uniform mean bixxx ?
really dont know what reason cause that old virgin keep on aim at form5 student ==
if you are same school with mii, as you can see
there are alot student catch by hair or uniform or other problems but mostly is form5 student
there have alot formr3 and form 4 student have much more serious problem ==
they didnt tie their hair however they did they not as tidy as us
their uniform is TIGHT not FIT even we can see their panties ==
ZuYin and Lena their gantung had been cancel by friday
because Jeanie told us that alot parents went to school and complained with it
around 100 student kena gantung ==
now all things settle ^^
Saturday, June 20, 2009
today ii had went to Leisure mall with ZuYin and Lena =]
NewWay having promotion now
11am till 2pm only RM5 !
we went there and get some fresh fruits xD
however we had late for 1 hour
but we still got another 2 hour for sing k
sing untill thoat pain ><
but it is enjoyable time ^^
we also took alot pix with each others ^^
but ii dont think ii wanna post it ><
because it not really nice
later ii let them kill because ii post ugly pix ><
mine ugly too @@
around 2.30pm we went to cinema to buy ticket for movie
we bought 17 Again's ticket xDDD
after we bought tickets we straight away went into cinema without wasted any time ^^
17 Again is a nice movie ^^
Mike is handsome ~!
ii have a 17 years old dadi @@
LOL ==
no thanks please ==
after movie we went to cafe to have our lunch before tuition
OMG ==
this food was oily and awful !!!
ii feel like want vomit after ii ate some of it ==
we also have a walk at Cheras Pasar Malam
we went to tuition by taxi
guess how much the price from Leisure Mall to Cempaka ? ^^
SHIT !!!!
stupid driver drove wrong way twice some more blame us that we were late for tuition
we reached there around 7.10pm
ii looked on the floor while ii walked into tuition centre ><
feel so embrarras ><
because we didnt remove make up
Miss Low kept make fun of us @@
paiseh lorhx ><
back home rest and online =]
not to force mii do something ii have reject for few time in few mins or 1 hour
spoil my mood
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Rubbish or Shit ?
hmmm ~
ii been few days didnt update my blog @@
ii was busy watching Boys Over Flower xD
F4 ~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!
Ji Hoo ~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!
Yi Jing ~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!
omg @@
they are super HANDSOME ><
adorable ><
ii love them alot ><
they all are super best friends
caring each others
always help and protect Jan Di when she get into trouble
ii love this kind of story ><
yesterday before tuition ii had finished all 25 ep
back home online did nothing ><
nothing for mii to do ==
this cause mii slept around 12am yesterday @@
Wow ~
quite early xDDD
you guys should watch this movie ^^
today my school had sportcheck to check our hair
cause teachers complain that we had alot hair's problem ==
ii think today more than half of chinese student get caught ==
once you get caught you will been gantung 3 days
no colours hair band
no color hair
no fashion hair
must clip our hair if our hair longer than our eyebrown or side
and more more more more more
that OLD VIRGIN started some problems ==
she caught those student that she dislike or have no problems
1 of my friend her hair's orginal hair colour is dark brown
she even clips all her hair
but still got teachers caught her and not allow her to explain
she tired to explain to that old virgin at the end she felt that my friends was correct
but she pulled down my friend's clip and said that your fringe too long must cut
ii still heard other friends that no fringe are allow ==
even some of my friends they are short hair but they stil get caught ==
this consider face problem
ii tie my hair with pink colour hair band
ii clip all my fringe
very nerd ==
ii nearly get caught because of my hair band
but at the end teacher forget about it xD
ZuYin and Lena had been caught because of their hair colour ==
ZuYin dye her hair for 2 times
but the colour did not last long
ii dont know how many time she need to dye her hair ==
actually ii feel like wanna kena gantung too xD
cause this is my last year for mii in high school
ii should tried about it xD
when ZuYin and Lena get caught ii wanted to follow
but ii afraid that ii need to cut my hair again or that old virgin find trouble with mii ==
so ii just sat there act dont know xD
but ii still waiting another teacher come and catch mii xDDDD
when we back to class
my class only left 5 or 6 chinese student ==
when they back we went out from class chit chat about the displin problem
we also planned about this 3 days where we should go
plan for tomorrow is go to leisure mall sing k before tuition
why am ii follow however ii didnt kena gantung ? o.0
mostly all my friends kena ii going school to being spider women right ? ==
* too bored and spider webs around mii
back home search some cloth again xDDD
all so pretty TT
no money to buy ==
need to save some money ><
went to take a nap around 3pm
untill 8pm xDDDD
ohya ~!
ii love baby's biscuit xDDD
yummy =PPPPP
ii been few days didnt update my blog @@
ii was busy watching Boys Over Flower xD
F4 ~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!
Ji Hoo ~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!
Yi Jing ~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!
omg @@
they are super HANDSOME ><
adorable ><
ii love them alot ><
they all are super best friends
caring each others
always help and protect Jan Di when she get into trouble
ii love this kind of story ><
yesterday before tuition ii had finished all 25 ep
back home online did nothing ><
nothing for mii to do ==
this cause mii slept around 12am yesterday @@
Wow ~
quite early xDDD
you guys should watch this movie ^^
today my school had sportcheck to check our hair
cause teachers complain that we had alot hair's problem ==
ii think today more than half of chinese student get caught ==
once you get caught you will been gantung 3 days
no colours hair band
no color hair
no fashion hair
must clip our hair if our hair longer than our eyebrown or side
and more more more more more
that OLD VIRGIN started some problems ==
she caught those student that she dislike or have no problems
1 of my friend her hair's orginal hair colour is dark brown
she even clips all her hair
but still got teachers caught her and not allow her to explain
she tired to explain to that old virgin at the end she felt that my friends was correct
but she pulled down my friend's clip and said that your fringe too long must cut
ii still heard other friends that no fringe are allow ==
even some of my friends they are short hair but they stil get caught ==
this consider face problem
ii tie my hair with pink colour hair band
ii clip all my fringe
very nerd ==
ii nearly get caught because of my hair band
but at the end teacher forget about it xD
ZuYin and Lena had been caught because of their hair colour ==
ZuYin dye her hair for 2 times
but the colour did not last long
ii dont know how many time she need to dye her hair ==
actually ii feel like wanna kena gantung too xD
cause this is my last year for mii in high school
ii should tried about it xD
when ZuYin and Lena get caught ii wanted to follow
but ii afraid that ii need to cut my hair again or that old virgin find trouble with mii ==
so ii just sat there act dont know xD
but ii still waiting another teacher come and catch mii xDDDD
when we back to class
my class only left 5 or 6 chinese student ==
when they back we went out from class chit chat about the displin problem
we also planned about this 3 days where we should go
plan for tomorrow is go to leisure mall sing k before tuition
why am ii follow however ii didnt kena gantung ? o.0
mostly all my friends kena ii going school to being spider women right ? ==
* too bored and spider webs around mii
back home search some cloth again xDDD
all so pretty TT
no money to buy ==
need to save some money ><
went to take a nap around 3pm
untill 8pm xDDDD
ohya ~!
ii love baby's biscuit xDDD
yummy =PPPPP
Monday, June 15, 2009
first day of school @@
kinda of tired ==
ii slept around 3.30am yesteday but ii woke up on 6.30am
ohya ~
saturday sunday ii overnight at my grandma's house
my sis play Harvest Moon with PSP
ii also playing this game but with my cousin brother's PSP
he went to PD with his family so he bring along his PSP
ii just accompany and taught my sis play it xD
chit chat and play untill 4.30am xDDD
sunday morning our facial appointment on 9.00am
but we late ><
we reached there around 9.15am ii think
ii felt nervous about it cause this was the first time ii went to facial wash ><
however started ii felt pain but felt comfortable with the pepper mints mask and accidently fall asleep xD
we went home after facial wash
we continued Harvest Moon with different PSP xD
we also took a nap in the afternoon
we woke up and get ready to Tesco bought things for mii
so that ii got foods to eat however ii hungry when ii home alone everyday
afterward we went to CM for a while then my sis fetched mii to dinner
she also fetched mii home ^^
ii really miss Boys Over Flower ><
ii watched untill 2am ==
but ii cant slept so ii woke up and cut my nail =PPP
today talked crap with others @@
lame topic ==
but dont know why after recess felt so tired and bored @@
went to tuition around 4pm +
Lena started tuition with us today =]
but ii been left by others cause not enough seat for 4 people ><
feel like wanna going out with friends
but also want to save money ><
kinda of tired ==
ii slept around 3.30am yesteday but ii woke up on 6.30am
ohya ~
saturday sunday ii overnight at my grandma's house
my sis play Harvest Moon with PSP
ii also playing this game but with my cousin brother's PSP
he went to PD with his family so he bring along his PSP
ii just accompany and taught my sis play it xD
chit chat and play untill 4.30am xDDD
sunday morning our facial appointment on 9.00am
but we late ><
we reached there around 9.15am ii think
ii felt nervous about it cause this was the first time ii went to facial wash ><
however started ii felt pain but felt comfortable with the pepper mints mask and accidently fall asleep xD
we went home after facial wash
we continued Harvest Moon with different PSP xD
we also took a nap in the afternoon
we woke up and get ready to Tesco bought things for mii
so that ii got foods to eat however ii hungry when ii home alone everyday
afterward we went to CM for a while then my sis fetched mii to dinner
she also fetched mii home ^^
ii really miss Boys Over Flower ><
ii watched untill 2am ==
but ii cant slept so ii woke up and cut my nail =PPP
today talked crap with others @@
lame topic ==
but dont know why after recess felt so tired and bored @@
went to tuition around 4pm +
Lena started tuition with us today =]
but ii been left by others cause not enough seat for 4 people ><
feel like wanna going out with friends
but also want to save money ><
Friday, June 12, 2009
OH NO ~!
holiday going end soon ><
left 2 more days for mii TT
some more the last 2 days ii need to work ii think ==
my sis said that she wanna bring mii to facial wash so that ii need to overnight at grandma house
ii dislike overnight there @@
ii prefer friends more ><
but ii want to accompany my grandma =]
hehe =P
this few days ii was busy watching movies
Taiwan Entertainment Show
The Blackie * Hei Se Hui Mei Mei
LoLLiPoP * Mo Fan Bang Bang Tang
Korea Series
Boys Over Flowers * Metro Star
the korea series is introduce by ZuYin
she told mii that the F4 group in the movie super handsome xD
and YES !!!!
Ji Hoo the best xD
Yi Jung too ><
ii dont know about Ji Hoo's real name
but ii know that he is from SS501
ii love them xDDDDD
today MingBin and ZuYin going to SW TS shopping
cause they said they didnt buy things in this holiday
ii could'nt join them ==
anyway, this could help mii save money too @@
or maybe later ii join them on friday pasar malam ? ==
going watching my Ji Hoo again xDDD
TaTa ~! <333
holiday going end soon ><
left 2 more days for mii TT
some more the last 2 days ii need to work ii think ==
my sis said that she wanna bring mii to facial wash so that ii need to overnight at grandma house
ii dislike overnight there @@
ii prefer friends more ><
but ii want to accompany my grandma =]
hehe =P
this few days ii was busy watching movies
Taiwan Entertainment Show
The Blackie * Hei Se Hui Mei Mei
LoLLiPoP * Mo Fan Bang Bang Tang
Korea Series
Boys Over Flowers * Metro Star
the korea series is introduce by ZuYin
she told mii that the F4 group in the movie super handsome xD
and YES !!!!
Ji Hoo the best xD
Yi Jung too ><
ii dont know about Ji Hoo's real name
but ii know that he is from SS501
ii love them xDDDDD
today MingBin and ZuYin going to SW TS shopping
cause they said they didnt buy things in this holiday
ii could'nt join them ==
anyway, this could help mii save money too @@
or maybe later ii join them on friday pasar malam ? ==
going watching my Ji Hoo again xDDD
TaTa ~! <333
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
GaiiGaii Again Again =PP
* am ii suitable with short hair ? o.0
* feel like wanna cut my hair @@
Laopo Bin, now ii know your feeling ><
today went out again xD
ii woke up around 11am
with 4 alarm 1 call xDDD
yes, ii'm PIG !
lalalalalalalala =PPP
ii get ready and went out around 1.30pm
ii went too early @@
Adrain was late
when he reached we went to eat
after that we went to movie
started we planned to watch 17 again but the time already passed ><
so we decided to watch Night At The Museum 2
it is a funny show xDDD
ii love the monkeys =PPPP
Able ><
clever and cute ~
Weeeee ~
finished movie ii went home by LRT
Timesquare is quite far from Hang Tuah station ><
so ii decided went there by monorail
after ii bought monorail ticket ii only realised that Adrain's key with mii ==
ii sms him and he came and get the keys
after ii passed the key to him monorail had reached
when ii went up by the stairs
around people looked at mii and passing by TT
why am ii always fall down for no reason ? TT
wuwuwuwuwuwuwuu ~
lucky ii got enough time to rush for the monorail
after ii reached Cempaka station 324 bus there too xD
the move bus after few second xD
Weeeee ~
lucky xD
ii reached home around 7pm +
bathed and done all my housework
today ii also met Chun Hoe gorgor
long time didnt meet with him
and maybe tomorrow go yamcha with him and other friends =]
planning thursday going Sunway Water Park with friends
but not much people going @@
headache @@
Sunday, June 7, 2009
today ii woke up early morning
with 4 alarms and Michelle's morning call
cause ii wanted to go mountain climb =]
* ii'm not sporty just they got plan ii follow xD
ii reached there around 7.15am
Michelle made mii milo and we get ready went to Taman Saga's playground
we met Kien Siong, Jimmy and KarYan
* ii not sure is Jimmy or Gimmy and his name is Lin Gi but ii not sure the spelling ><
KarYan and Kien Siong was pro @@
they can even jump and run
when ii promised that ii want mountain climb with them ii already know that ii'll become trouble ><
ii'll become the slowest
cause ii not sporty at all ><
some more Kien Siong in Judo ><
when we over middle of Taman Saga Wen Yee called Kien Siong said that she at the top of Taman Saga in 15mins !
OMG ~!
she from Judo too
and she just won the competition with 1st place ><
dont mess up with her xD
she also representative KL state @@
* hope ii didnt spell wrong or use it word in the wrong way ==
at the end KarYan left us she walked along with those uncles
and Kien Siong and Jimmy with us ><
ii'm not feel tired just ii cant breath @@
my god ==
some more give mii some oxygen please ><
when we reached there
Wen Yee was sat on the swings with KarYan chit chat
both of them are TERRIBLE ><
they still went to small waterfall for 1 round again ==
Michelle and ii chat with Jimmy
and Kien Siong chat with her cousin brothers
when Wen Yee come back they started some Judo practise ><
time to back home =]
Jimmy with KarYan and Kien Siong with Michelle
ii walked alone @@
cause this time ii can balance myself xD
sometime ii cant ==
ii almost fall down for few times @@
Kien Siong complained that ii never listen to him not to bend down my body ><
ii knew but ii cant remember @@
haha xDD
Michelle and ii walked home and ate maggie mee ==
ii waited my dadi came and fetch mii untill ii fall asleep
back home bathed slept xD
untill 7pm =PPPPP
dadi bought mii rojak xD
yummy ^^
tomorrow tuition again @@
tired with it ><
tuesday maybe going out again @@
hope mami allow mii to go TT
and sorry amy ii miss your performance again ><
really sorry TT
ohya ~
yesterday mami bought mii The Sims3
someone help mii fix it please !!!!!!
with 4 alarms and Michelle's morning call
cause ii wanted to go mountain climb =]
* ii'm not sporty just they got plan ii follow xD
ii reached there around 7.15am
Michelle made mii milo and we get ready went to Taman Saga's playground
we met Kien Siong, Jimmy and KarYan
* ii not sure is Jimmy or Gimmy and his name is Lin Gi but ii not sure the spelling ><
KarYan and Kien Siong was pro @@
they can even jump and run
when ii promised that ii want mountain climb with them ii already know that ii'll become trouble ><
ii'll become the slowest
cause ii not sporty at all ><
some more Kien Siong in Judo ><
when we over middle of Taman Saga Wen Yee called Kien Siong said that she at the top of Taman Saga in 15mins !
OMG ~!
she from Judo too
and she just won the competition with 1st place ><
dont mess up with her xD
she also representative KL state @@
* hope ii didnt spell wrong or use it word in the wrong way ==
at the end KarYan left us she walked along with those uncles
and Kien Siong and Jimmy with us ><
ii'm not feel tired just ii cant breath @@
my god ==
some more give mii some oxygen please ><
when we reached there
Wen Yee was sat on the swings with KarYan chit chat
both of them are TERRIBLE ><
they still went to small waterfall for 1 round again ==
Michelle and ii chat with Jimmy
and Kien Siong chat with her cousin brothers
when Wen Yee come back they started some Judo practise ><
time to back home =]
Jimmy with KarYan and Kien Siong with Michelle
ii walked alone @@
cause this time ii can balance myself xD
sometime ii cant ==
ii almost fall down for few times @@
Kien Siong complained that ii never listen to him not to bend down my body ><
ii knew but ii cant remember @@
haha xDD
Michelle and ii walked home and ate maggie mee ==
ii waited my dadi came and fetch mii untill ii fall asleep
back home bathed slept xD
untill 7pm =PPPPP
dadi bought mii rojak xD
yummy ^^
tomorrow tuition again @@
tired with it ><
tuesday maybe going out again @@
hope mami allow mii to go TT
and sorry amy ii miss your performance again ><
really sorry TT
ohya ~
yesterday mami bought mii The Sims3
someone help mii fix it please !!!!!!
Friday, June 5, 2009
GaiiGaii Again =PP
* dont complain that ii post the same pix again ==
* ii love this pix xDDD
ii went out yesterday again
* ZuYin, MingBin, Michelle, Jung Woon, Edwin, Ivan
WE ALL WERE LATE except Jung Woon
ii late because ii tot that ii had enough time to mii to get ready
but when ii done my things ii only realised II'M LATE !
ii get a cab to ZuYin's house and fetched them together to SW
ii borrowed phone from ZuYin to postpone the time @@
Jung Woon waited 3 of us outside GreenBox ><
4 of us went into room
ZuYin was moody because she felt that her make up was sucks and ugly ><
cause mii like 38 po screamed and talked alone for nothing @@
lucky at the end still better abit @@
they stll will sing some song xDDD
around 12pm or 1pm Lena and Michelle reached
2pm we walked around at SW for nothing ==
we should be take puri puri but we changed plan to timesquare buy movie tickets
we went there check the movie's time started we want watch 17 again
but Edwin dont want so we changed to Angel and Demons
this movie is PG18 so we decided went to Pavilion cause Ivan said that there wont check about this
before that we went to Shabu-Shabu * ii not sure the name @@
the food was so .......... ==
YuRi and Yingz came and find us after she done her nail xD
we went to 9floor to camwhore xDDD
Weeee ~
* ii love this pix xDDD
ii went out yesterday again
* ZuYin, MingBin, Michelle, Jung Woon, Edwin, Ivan
WE ALL WERE LATE except Jung Woon
ii late because ii tot that ii had enough time to mii to get ready
but when ii done my things ii only realised II'M LATE !
ii get a cab to ZuYin's house and fetched them together to SW
ii borrowed phone from ZuYin to postpone the time @@
Jung Woon waited 3 of us outside GreenBox ><
4 of us went into room
ZuYin was moody because she felt that her make up was sucks and ugly ><
cause mii like 38 po screamed and talked alone for nothing @@
lucky at the end still better abit @@
they stll will sing some song xDDD
around 12pm or 1pm Lena and Michelle reached
2pm we walked around at SW for nothing ==
we should be take puri puri but we changed plan to timesquare buy movie tickets
we went there check the movie's time started we want watch 17 again
but Edwin dont want so we changed to Angel and Demons
this movie is PG18 so we decided went to Pavilion cause Ivan said that there wont check about this
before that we went to Shabu-Shabu * ii not sure the name @@
the food was so .......... ==
YuRi and Yingz came and find us after she done her nail xD
we went to 9floor to camwhore xDDD
Weeee ~
Mii and MingBin ~
Mii and Michelle
* ii forgot looked on the camera ==
Mii and Ivan ~
ii prefer Ivan without take pix =]
Mii and yingz ~
first time take pix with her xD
she came from Malacca yesterday o.0
Mii and Jung Woon ~
ii prefer Ivan without take pix =]
4 of us xDDD
Edwin and ii ~
dont know why Edwin cant hold his phone well @@
very blur ><
Mii and YuRi jiejie ~
hehe xDDD
after that we went to Pavilion for our movies
we wanted went to 1st floor so we together go and get the lift
who know @@
we all went into lift but the door close before YuRi jiejie and Yingz came in ><
we all screamed like hell for nothing ==
funny lorhx xDDD
when we reached there we went to Pavilion cinema checked the movie time
Angel and Demons 6.20pm
we bought ticket and went to toilet camwhore again xDDD
lalalalalala =PPPP
ohya ~
ii bought 1 dark blue dress at TS xD
so classy ><
4 of us again xDDD
* bamboo here again @@
after that we went to Basket Robin enjoy our dessert xDDDD
Yummy xDDDD
but exp too ==
of course 7 of us share the price still ok o.0
Edwin fall in love with this xDDD
after that we went to Cinema to ENJOY our Angels and Demons ==
bored daooo ........ ==
this movie about religion
ii kill your judges or guards
you kill my professor
bla bla bla bla
some more our seat was the first 3 roll
our neck so pain and tired ==
my right leg getting painful cause air-con and seat problem
* last time when ii accident ii hurted my right leg
wo shi space
after the movie we went to buy J-co donuts xDDD
started we planned to eat at Pavilion food court but cause of transport problem and Ivan need back home early
MingBin, Zuyin, Michelle and ii back home by cab
Jung Woon, Edwin, Ivan back home by LRT cause Edwin stay near Pandah Indah station
Ivan's mami fetch him there
Jung Woon's motor over LRT station
MingBin, ZuYin and ii had our dinner at MCD
afterward Jung Woon came and joined us too
thanks Mingbin's dadi fetch mii home =]
wo shi space
why dont have ZuYin and mii ?
we did took some pix but she not allowed mii to post ==
if not she said that she still kill mii ><
wo shi space
today ii should be work at Central Market but ii woke up around 12.30pm ==
mami said that ii no need go
stay home online for nothing untill tuition @@
ohya ~
waiting mami coming back dinner with mii =]
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
how long ii didnt post my own pix over here ? ==
yesterday went out with YuRi jiejie <333
she going NS soon TT
ii sure that ii will miss her ><
today ii woke up late again ==
ii set my alarm on 7.00am, 7.15am, 7.30am
* just set early so that ii will be alert ==
even YuRi jiejie called mii on 8am
but ii still woke up on 8.30am
ii am A PIG xDDDD
ii needed reach there by 10am
because we want to eat MCD breakfast before 11am sing k
ii very scared that ii will late there ><
but JieJie need settle something so she told mii that she will late there
so ii done my things with slow motion xDDD
after ii done my things ii went out to get a cab to SW
please dont complain that ii'm wasting money or rich
ii had been count the bill for myself by using cab and lrt + monorail
almost the same price but lrt + monorail need to walk
so why dont ii get a cab no need walk and stop on main door of SW? o.0
am ii clever? xDDDD
wakakakakakaka =PPPP
ii went to my sister's shop passed her staff some stock and money for rental
YuRi jiejie called and asked mii waited her at Green Box there
ii went there alone ><
ii dont like walk alone in shopping complex ><
feel so scary TT
lucky at the end YuRi jiejie reach ^^
we ordered our food and choosed some song
By2 = 我知道 MV
so nice ><
" 你好吗?我很想你 "
" 她说她很想你 "
OMG ~!~!~!~!
both of them are CUTE xDDDD
By2 = Dont Go Away
this MV and MV ii prefer english version more
but they still cute xDDDD
阿信 & 张XX = 私奔到月球
ii forgot the name of the girl ><
this song and MV so sweet and nice ><
阿信 ~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!
阿信 & SHE = 五月天
this MV everytime ii sing k with YuRi jiejie both of us will choose to see 阿信's cute face xDDDD
the MV so sweet and cute ><
oh no ~!~!~!~!~!~!
阿信 & 叮当 = 走火如魔
same reason with 五月天 but ii not really like 叮当 ><
but 阿信 still very cute xDDDD
Taylor Swift = Love Story
first time watched Taylor Swift MV ><
however ii love her song but ii lazy go and search for her MV or pix
she look very young and sweet in this MV while she being Juliet xD
and alot MV that ii cant remember @@
untill 2pm we went to camwhore xD
long time didnt take pix while ii hang out ==
we took a lot a lot a lot a lot xDDD
ii really feel that ii look like a stick or bamboo ==
ii want fat TT
wuwuwuwuwuwu ~
like short hair in this pix xDDD
YuRi jiejie said this look more mature @@
ii love it xD
ii love you <333
wo shi space
we walked around for shopping xDDD
since Mac holiday ii didnt buy any cloth ==
but ii only bought 1 pink dress for myself
ii really feel that ii always buying same style of cloth ==
strechsible @@
but ii still love it alot xDDD
wo shi space
feel so tired ><
long time didnt hang out for whole day
ii should be buy 1 more dress but that dress at TS ii was stayed at SW waiting dadi
so ii miss it ><
if tomorrow ii can out with them maybe ii will go and get it xD
if there still have stock left ==
wo shi space
tomorrow maybe out with classmate
but ii havent confirm with mami ><
because ii just went out yesterday afraid mami dont allow mii out TT
must get the answer tonight ><
but if really go sing k again @@
1 week go Green Box 2 time xD
and watch movie
wo shi space
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