Monday, June 28, 2010

As you  see the date of my previous is 22 of June and now already 28 of June
Thought that I'm busy playing or outing with friends ?
I was stress for a week plus for my first sem exam, which is today until wednesday

Most of my close friends also knew that I'm moody, stress, tension, panic, cry, etc recently
I'm a super sms Queen, even new meet friends also complain that I never leave my phone from mii more than 1m but now I very tired and lazy reply message
Dont mad at mii because of this cause you will never know how stress am I
Some more I was so stupid because I accepted job on the week before make myself more even suffer and stress !
Alright, everytime almost end and left 2 days for my Economy, IT and Account paper

All my events started on wednesday with my classmate =)
Never hang out with my classmate before, confirm is my very first outing with different races even indonesian =P
But before that, I need a deep breathe so that I wont crazy before I done all papers

Going home soon and wanted to revision later to memories IT notes.
Wish mii luck please !

* will update the day out of Sky Bar after exam

Tuesday, June 22, 2010





Monday, June 14, 2010

I didnt update my blog for a week plus I think
Busy facebook, busy assignment, busy go to college, busy study, busy watch my lovely Raymond Lam xD
Last week tuesday I went to One U watched Ateam with Bin, cCc and Mun Hoong.
Feel curious that Ateam release on 10 of June why 8 of June I went to watch it ?
Thanks to Mun Hoong win 4 tickets from HitzFM so we all going to watch it.
He didnt told mii that Bin and cCc will join us before that day, everyone who want to give mii surprise also will ask Bin together >.<"
Am I show my feeling too obvious when I meet her ?

Starting I thought this movie is kinda bored and I was very tired even planned to sleep in the cinema but I was wrong !
Ateam is a nice movie, you all should go and watch it ! =D

Went back to kl on friday afternoon, thanks to Mun Hoong again =)
He taught mii math on the same day, I think he going crazy with kind of student = =
Even though I got study add math last year but I think I dont have add math basic.
Thanks to him, my head pops a big egg !

After taught mii math he went to his friend's house and I called Bin dated her to pasar malam because I had been long time didnt go pasar malam eat my favorite food xD
She was outside and didnt joined mii to pasar malam but she dated mii after pasar malam went to pavilion watched FIFA match.
As you know I dont really like soccer but I'm still going with her and her friends =)
Invited Edwin but he was planned to going with her mami.
End up I went to pasar malam with cCc to eat my favorite snack =D

Around 9pm they reached my house I rushed back home and left my car at my house and followed Bin, Kelvin and Leslie to Pavilion.
That was my every first time watch FIFA match >.<
We went to Leslie's house after Mexico's match because we had nothing to do over there.
Back home around 3am after dropped Bin home.

Saturday such a bad day for mii but still thanks to Bin, Kien Seng, Mun Hoong and cCc =)
Sunday Mun Hoong fetch mii to SW and taught mii math again because I'm going exam end of June but I still blur with what lecturer taught = =
How come I feel sleepy even I'm doing math ? I think I really too tired.
Went back pj after worked and dinner with Mun Hoong.

Monday such tired blue Monday for mii !
Wanna take a nap now =)

p/s: I cant write, read even spell english but at least I can understand. Not like someone cant understand Hong Kong drama so STUPID ! =P

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

♥ 好朋友就是经常叫你“去死吧”的那些人
- 算是我的口头禅

♥ 好朋友就是老是说你有病叫你看医生的那些人
- 我常这样说

♥ 好朋友就是抓住你的一个缺点说上半天的那些人
- 我通常是被说的那个 @@

♥ 好朋友就是在你面前肆无忌惮地说很难听的话的那些人
- 我常常这样,当然我的好朋友也有这样咯 =P

♥ 好朋友就是说要拉大队去你学校把你吃穷的那些人
- 他们那么爱我当然不会对我那么残忍咯

♥ 好朋友就是看着自己玩的很开心在旁边不参与也会觉得很开心的那些人
- 我很开心我的好朋友开心,我会想办法加入他们好让大家都都美好的回忆

♥ 好朋友就是会教你怎么走路小心,过马路看车的那些人
- 我不可能有这个机会因为我不会过马路,因为朋友们都很照顾我 =D

♥ 好朋友就是你考完试还晕乎乎的时候在你出现在你面前嘻嘻哈哈,还说你不要怕,吸取经验,明年再考过的那些人
- 他们只会说我笨,我的朋友都比我乐观不需要我的安慰

♥ 好朋友就是跟你一起不分轻重可是对你父母毕恭毕敬的那些人
- 我就是这样的人,有个好印象好让我的朋友们可以继续跟我出去

♥ 好朋友是平时恶型恶相,却在你遇到难事时语重心长地开导你的那些人
- 我通常是被开导的那个 = =

♥ 好朋友就是那些无论原本是忧郁,沉默或是乐观向上,在一起总是嬉闹声一片的那群人
- 我跟我的好朋友都是这样呢!

♥ 好朋友是你想起嘴角上扬的那些人
- 想起我们以前做的傻事 xD

♥ 好朋友是时间和距离都无法从你脑海,心中带走的人
- 他们的印象实在深刻的连我发梦都可能记得他们,不晓得他们是不是也是这样?

♥ 好朋友就是听到你说了一句错话笑闹半天还要罗嗦上一段时间的那些人
- 从大西洋笑到大东洋 xD

♥ 好朋友就是不经常联系,但你还忘不掉的那个人
- 我会想办法回去见他们,随时知道他们的近况

♥ 好朋友就是俩个人在一起,你不用担心会说什么错话。做错什么事的那个人
- 我说错跟做错的事情太多了 = =

♥ 好朋友是你会突然想念的那个人
- 我好常想念他们哦

♥ 好朋友是无论谁湛诳诃一点便宜都不会计较的那个人
- 我是很现实的人但是我不介意对他们好

♥ 好朋友就是和你同甘共苦,不会出卖你的那个人
- 当我找他们时,他们都很乐意陪我。相反的如果他们找我,我会有种被重视的感觉

♥ 好朋友就是什么事都会和你分享的那个人
- 我什么事情都会跟他们讲的超级细节深怕他们会漏掉我生活任何的小点滴,而他们常常会嫌我废话太多 xD

♥ 好朋友就是好久没见,在一起时还会和你套心窝子说话,就像昨天刚在一起吃过饭的那个人 - 我会从我们没有见面的那天开始说起,不会让我们之间有疙瘩

♥ 好朋友就是和他在一起时你是最真实的你的那个人
- 连我素颜没有带隐形眼镜的样子都看过了,没什么好怕了啦 = =

♥ 好朋友就是很久没联系,见面也不会尴尬的那个人
- 我们不可能有尴尬的时候因为我见到他们的第一个反应就是来个超级大拥抱!

♥ 好朋友就是无论你做了什么傻事,都会给你支持和信任的那个人
- 我的傻事多得是,他们已经见惯不惯了

♥ 好朋友就是无论他做了什么,你也觉得他是你好朋友的人
- 不管我这一秒多余不喜欢他们的举动,但是我实在想不到理由讨厌他们

♥ 好朋友就是半夜三更会和你一起纠结要不要睡觉的那个人
- 我好想有这个机会因为每次我抱他们都会推开我 T_T

♥ 好朋友就是在你面前会变得啰嗦,你会笑着说他像你妈的那个人
- 我就是那个妈妈型的人

♥ 好朋友就是无聊时喜欢凑在一堆一起做无聊的傻事的那些人
- 因为我们都是无聊人 xD

♥ 好朋友就是会和你在大街上丢脸会拽着你的手狂奔的那个人
- 我经常拉着我的朋友做出丢脸的事

♥ 好朋友就是会跟你在无意间对视之后再跟你一块放声狂笑的那个人
- 我们都是疯子啊

♥ 好朋友就是你会因为他的一句话而充满勇气与信心的那个人
- 我会因为朋友的喜好跟行动而感到窝心,开心或者伤心,勇气就不必了我有得都是冲动

♥ 好朋友就是彼此之间喜欢恶作剧并且在恶作剧成功之后两人都笑得很开心
- 他们很开心的作弄我,我也很喜欢被作弄因为这就证明他们爱我!


First day of June now !
I thought I will have a better day on first day of June but not .
Not feeling well for whole day long, my health really getting weak from May till now .
I just hope I can stop suffer from this kind of problem = =

I'm going Thailand on 10 of july for 5 days trips =D
This is my birthday present from my sis .
Thanks alot ya !
I feel so excited about that cause I want to shopping over there !
I never been there before but friends around mii told mii that Thailand sell alot of cheap and nice stuff .

My list -
♥ Floral Dress
♥ Floral Skirt
♥ Heels
♥ Accessory
♥ Bags
♥ Jackets
♥ Shorts and long pants
and alot alot alot more !

Although I'm using BB cream now but I feel like wanna get a foundation powder .
Maybelline or Kate better ?
One is good in concealer another one is very long lasting >.<
Which one should I choose ?

My politics and economy assignment duel date on this Friday, I have to do it fast and pass it up as soon as possible T_T
My college having a 1 day trip to KLCC with all Pre-U's student for us to know more about each other even we are different courses .
If I'm not going on Thursday I will go to college continue my assignment and print it out and pass it to my lecturer on the spot to end my nightmare .
Really is a nightmare for mii T_T

* I done this article before 12am but I was busy with my assignment forgot to click " publish post " = =