Friday, April 10, 2009


as my t0pic
ii really felt s0 speechless f0r this 3 days ==

[ tuesday ]

t0day went t0 sch00l f0r n0thing ==
just kept 0n talking and make n0ise ann0yying my friends xD

when night tuiti0n
ii heard KeiKei t0ld us that t0m0rr0w th0se g0verment's uncle auntie will vistied 0ur sch00l
they wanted t0 check 0ur attitube this and that @@
s0 ZuYin and ii planned t0 skip sch00l again =P
but this time we stayed h0me and rest ^^

[ wednesday ]

stayed h0me f0r wh0le day ==
guess what ii eat? ==
Maggie Mee and Porride !!!
Kelian larhx TT
ii lazy went 0ut and packed marhx =P
HuHu ~

fr0m Edwin ii heard s0me FUNNY st0ry
really made mii felt funny ab0ut that ==
ii been listened this st0ry f0r few days @@
t0day's st0ry m0st high and excited xD

since like y0u d0nt like and hate mii c0me and talk t0 mii
d0nt make really burn my fire up
ii will g0 t0 have a talk with y0u ^^
d0nt make such a FAKE st0ry t0 0thers ==
ii w0nt d0 that kind 0f rubbish because ii'm n0t as childish and silly as y0u
* but ii really admit ii'm childish =P

lucky my friends are helping mii ^^
Thanks Jie, Thanks Max =]
0f c0urse th0se help n0 slap 0r fight larhx ==
they just wanna try t0 pr0tect mii and "ta0 hui g0ng da0" f0r mii ^^
just a lame st0ry
skip it better ~ =]

[ thursday ]

WTH !!
sp0rtcheck t0day larhx !!!
h0wever th0se uncle didnt rampas my ph0ne but ii had a funny experience @@

all Malay student went t0 a c0urse which held at Music Room
class 0nly left Chinese student and India Student
th0se uncle suddenly came in asked us standed up
we all knew they were d0ing sp0rt check ==

they checked guys first
all guys handph0ne KENA !!!!
WTH ==
Kelian larhx ><
even Ivan he different class fr0m us als0 kena >< girls we all were frighten and thinking where we sh0uld kept 0ur ph0ne ==


n0thing happen t0 girls =P
0nly Jeanie and Mavis's ph0ne been t0ken because they gave their handph0ne themself ><>

HuHu xD
ii l0ve it s0 much ^^

ar0und 5pm + my sis suddenly called and asked mii get ready 0ut n0w ==
because she wanted mii t0 help her test her staff at SW
rushed sie mii lerhx ><

al0t things happen actually
but s0mething with this article after Edwin had sh0w mii s0me0ne 0n friendster ==

my uncle had b0ught Wii f0r my c0usin br0thers
they s0 sayang mii
they kicked away their dadi because they let mii played Wii
asked my uncle g0 upstair watched his g0lf =P

back h0me ar0und 10pm

[ friday ]

slept slept slept xD
ii'm a pig =P
wakakakakaka ~

t0m0rr0w we all planned t0 watch m0vie and eat western f00d with Edwin
f0r celebrate his birthday h0wever abit late @@

h0pe later can meet him

Byes =]

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