Sunday, April 12, 2009

My Saturday Night

hmmm ..
ii didnt met him 0n friday

[ saturday ]

ii always delay my p0st @@
ii always p0st article 0n the next day after the happening day ==
it cause mii always need t0 type "[ The Date ]"
Sienz @@

yesterday m0rning my friends and ii planned t0 eat western f00d and watched m0vie t0gether
we planned t0 eat western f00d at Kaki C0rner which near leisure mall
s0 that we can g0 there f0r 0ur dinner after m0vie =]

but at the end cancel because m0stly all m0vie are 18 +
that stupid leisure c0nfirm will check IC ==

suddenly my sis called mii yesterday night 11pm ==
she asked mii w0rk at SW t0m0rr0w because her part-timer t0m0rr0w g0t sch00l
ii t0ld her that ii need t0 celebrate my friend's birthday t0m0rr0w
she said that she will reached there early t0 replacement s0 that ii can g0 t0 the party 0n time
* we planned this it als0 because we wanted t0 celebrate with Edwin but with0ut cake and th0se celebrati0n xD

ii kinda m00dy @@
because ii need t0 w0rk at SW TT
t0day ii'm late ==
ii w0ke up 0n 9.30am
but ii need t0 reach there 10.30am
y0u think 45mins en0ugh t0 a girl? ==
ii need bath
dry my hair
straighten hair
make up
NO !

started ii decided t0 draw a eyeliner first @@
but failed t00 ==
because really rush !
s0 n0w ii needed t0 make up at SW ==
my g0d

remember my previ0us article said that ii g0t a parcel at p0st 0ffice that cant be deliver f0r sec0nd time?
register mail
my dadi knew that ii g0ing late because we 0ut 0n 10.25am but ii need reached there 0n 10.30am ==
but he were g0ing t0 p0st 0ffice t0 get it parcel f0r mii @@
ii really late this time ==
ii called my sis's staff asked her helped mii get the key fr0m the 0thers helped mii 0pen the ki0sk first @@

ii reached there ar0und 10.50am ii think @@
ii faster set up all things f0r the ki0sk
after set up all things ii make up
LOL ==
guess what?
ii remember bring al0ng my c0smetic but n0t the eyeliner brush ^^
the brush that used t0 draw eyeliner with GEL
very g00d ^^
lucky ii b0ught RELVON last time s0 ii decided t0 use it
but ==
ii really n0t g00d in pencil y0u kn0w? ==
my first eyeliner is liquid sec0nd is gel
ii d0nt kn0w h0w t0 use at all ==

my eyeliner was suck !
ii was finding s0me c0tt0n buds
ii f0rg0t t0 bring t00 ^^
very g00d ^^
ii d0nt even bring a pieces 0f tissuse ^^
but lucky ii f0und a small pieces 0f tissuse
when ii finished all things
ii wanted t0 c0mb my hair becasue ii kept 0n rush but ii didt c0mb my hair
ii f0rg0t t0 bring my c0mb t00 !!!
very g00d ==

ii went t0 s0me access0ry's sh0p t0 get a c0mb and fake eyelash
* d0nt c0mplain that ii'm wasting m0ney ==
* ii planned t0 buy th0se l0ng time but ii still thinking 0nly @@
ii met Anson when ii was rushing
and ii als0 b0ught a bread fr0m kings f0r breakfast
* 12pm + breakfast? o.0
ii went back t0 the ki0sk
that c0mb just a SUCK c0mb
ii planned t0 thr0w it !
because when ii c0mb my hair
my hair all stick with my c0mb when ii pull all dr0ped
s0me m0re all is sp0il hair
SHIT ! ==

when ii settle all things my busniess als0 c0ming xD
ii kept 0n sms n0n - st0p
then ii f0rg0t t0 charge my ph0ne ^^
WTH !!!
what kind 0f day ii have ?!
ii asked al0t pe0ple but they d0nt have
there was a guy 0pp0site my sh0p asked what ii l00king f0r?
ii t0ld him that ii need a charger he said he g0t 1
s0 ii b0rr0w fr0m him ^^
thanks al0t ya ~

since last year started
d0nt kn0w why and with0ut any reas0n
TS and SW started g0t al0t Malay ar0und there
what they d0iing?
they did al0t !!
ii hate them
what reas0n make them there?
what kind 0f cl0th they wear?
ii think y0u all get what ii mean ==
if cant get tag mii 0n my Cb0x =P

ii c0ntined sms with friends
untill 5pm +
my sis reached there
she asked us dr0ve her car back h0me s0 that n0 need called dadi came and fetch us back
we back h0me ar0und 7pm +
because suddenly al0t cust0mer again ==
my ph0ne kept ring because 0f messages and calls
s0me t0ld mii that they had l0st
s0me t0ld mii that they had reach
s0me asked mii what m0vie we planned t0 watch
s0me asked mii when ii will reach
al0t m0re @@
need t0 f0rward it ==

at the end we all reached 0ver Kaki C0rner t0 had 0ur dinner
d0nt kn0w why this is the first time ii cant finished Kaki C0rner's f00d
last time als0 g0t but is because ii'm full
s0 Edwin share with mii
ii had sms him just n0w aftern00n
he replied mii kinda late
he t0ld mii that he very m00dy and beh s0ng
ii asked why?
but he d0nt wanna said
* why y0u wanna started a t0pic the end it with0ut telling mii anything?
he said he felt like wanna 0ut
ii d0nt kn0w what kind 0f enegry 0r c0urage push mii t0 ask him 0ut t0 j0in my friends and ii f0r m0vie
he rejected
ii t0ld Edwin and Zuyin they asked mii ign0re him and bla bla bla
ii tried t00
but ii still asked him f0r sec0nd time
he rejected again

ar0und 9.30pm ii think
ii cant really remember that time ==
we bill and get ready t0 leisure mall f0r 0ur m0vie =]
and 0f c0urse ii t0ld my mami that ii will be late h0me
we walked t0 the pertr0l stati0n t0 get taxi t0 leisure mall
they c0mplained that my v0ice felt like d0nald duck ==
because ii'm sick @@

when we reached there we went t0 check the m0vie time
LOL ==
all m0vie were started f0r 1 h0ur 0r at least half h0ur ==
0nly left 11am, 11.15am, 11.30am
11am and 11.15am is h0rr0r m0vie 0r 18 +
0nly left 11.30am Knowing is 13 +
LOL ==
we started called 0ur parents t0 c0nfirm the time @@
0nly Kun Yee and Jun Woon b0th them n0 need @@
f0rg0t t0 tell that we had 5 pers0n
2 girls
3 guys
* Edwin, Kun Yee, Jun Woon, Zuyin and ii

after we b0ught the ticket we planned went 0ut fr0m leisure tried t0 find a cafe t0 have a drinks
kinda scary @@
because this is the first time ii stayed 0utside with friends untill s0 late @@
0utside was dark and n0t much pe0ple
that stupid Kun Yee still said that here g0t al0t r0bber ==
kill himm !!!! xD
we f0und a cake but they said that we needed t0 wait 10mins f0r the seat @@
but n0t l0nger he said he added a table f0r us
the table added middle 0f the cafe and near the stair
* we at sec0nd fl00r
s0 we t0ld them that if g0t extra seat we w0uld like t0 exchange 0ur seat
ii als0 t0ld them that ii needed a charger
the supervisor asked mii waited a while f0r the charger
then ii saw an0ther waiter passed him a charger
he t0ld mii that 1 mins f0r rm10 @@
he just jk xD
Edwin and Zuyin c0mplained that ii kinda FISH f0r it @@
s0rry l0rhx TT
ii really need a charger t0 sms ><
but the charger didnt w0rk t0 my ph0ne at all
ii tried t0 Zuyin and Kun Yee's ph0ne
their phone but my ph0ne NO ==
h0wever at the end was charger but n0 line ^^
very g00d ^^

ii had tried it f0r 1h0ur but fail t00 ==
ii decided t0 give up cause is time f0r m0vie
we went back t0 leisure mall's t0ilet bef0re t0 the cinema
there is n0 1 0ver there ><
scary TT
the t0ilet is near the cinema which sh0wing h0rr0r m0vie ii think ==
3 0f them went int0 guy's t0ilet
left Zuyin and ii went int0 girl's t0ilet
when we went inside
wh0le t0ilet was empty and we heard the h0rr0r m0vie's s0und !!!!
a girl in the m0vie suddely SCREAM !!!!!
we dammm scare !!!
we faster ran 0ut fr0m girl's t0ilet and went int0 guy's t0ilet ><
we really kind 0f scary TT
we all kept laughed n0n - st0p xD
we asked Jun Woon went t0 girl's t0ilet with us xD
when we went 0ut fr0m guy's t0ilet the sh0w was just end
s0me pe0ple saw us came 0ut fr0m guy's t0ilet @@
LOL !!!
lame ==

we went int0 cinema and sat d0wn f0r the m0vie
LOL ==
ii knew that Knowing n0t h0rr0r m0vie
but it still frighten mii ><
Lucinda is kinda scary ><
and the number t00 ==
Grace *John's sister* als0 frighten mii because she make fun with J0hn ==
but pity Jun Woon xD
cause his hand let mii pitch when ii was scare and frigten by the m0vie ><
th0se alien is kinda 0f scary
because they will suddenly appear in fr0nt 0f us which th0se stupid whisper ><

Caleb quite hands0me and cute ^^
f0r the ending's tree Zuyin said it l00ked like SG's m0vie "ii'm n0t stupid" that brand xD
after that we acc0mpany Edwin t0 WangGu0 t0 meet his sister
Kun Yee's dadi reached t00
his dadi needed t0 fetch Jun Woon, Zuyin and mii back h0me ==
felt s0 paiseh nerhx ><
reached h0me ar0und 2.30am @@

faster charge my ph0ne and sms
then rem0ve make up
this and that
bla bla bla
tried my new skin care pr0duct and slept

untill n0w *sunday*
ii didnt even received a message fr0m y0u
h0wever just n0w ii did sms y0u but y0u said y0u was tuiti0n - ing
ii started felt myself s00 dammmm ann0yying and distrub y0u
ii n0 dare sms y0u again h0wever ii wish t0 sms with y0u
ii started felt ii's stupid
when that time y0u asked what m0vie ii planned t0 watch my ph0ne was n0thing
if ii t0ld y0u
will y0u c0me and watch with mii?

ii really felt that ii just make myself suffer and m0re stupid !!

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