Monday, March 30, 2009

I'm Happy

ii felt happy since friday till n0w xD
ii been 3 days n0t bl0g @@
quite miss my bl0g ^^

why am ii happy?

ii really need t0 keep it in secret cause ii d0nt want t00 much pe0ple kn0w ab0ut ><
*actually my m00d n0t g00d n0w but with0ut reas0n ==
* ii started m00dy when ii 0nline

saturday ii stayed h0me rest xD
ii slept untill 1pm
0nline f0r wh0le day
haha xDD

* actually ii cant really remember what happen 0n saturday @@
skip it better =]

sunday ii had went t0 CM helped my sis
wh0le day stayed there really very b0red @@
s0me m0re ii needed t0 stay there al0ne ><
wh0le day sms sms sms sms sms
after w0rked dadi mami fetched mii t0 grandma h0use t0 have dinner =]
my sis there t00 ^^

she t0ld mii that she w0rk as kinda garden TEACHER !!!!!!
cant y0u believe this ?!
0mg ==
she said that she n0w everyday wake up at 8.15am @@
teach th0se kids
she steal kid's f00d xD
she really very lame ><
thats my sis ^^

back h0me ii still c0ntined sms and chat with friends xD
1 0f my 0ld friend he called mii we chat untill 2am @@
quite tired actually @@

t0day ii w0ke up early m0rning
ii als0 quite happy ^^
it als0 a secret
ii think it will being a secret untill ii f0rg0t ab0ut it

went t0 sch00l ii chat with friends
this and that @@
d0nt kn0w why th0se girls must s0 DAMMMM ANN0YYING !!!!
scream like gh0st
my g0d
ii really g0ing crazy ab0ut that !
skip it ==

finished sch00l
Ivan and ii back h0me t0gether
his mami really quite funny xD
ii saw my mailb0x g0t mail ^^
ii felt s0 excited ab0ut that xD
wh0 kn0w ==
that girl p0st wr0ng things t0 mii TT
sad TT
t0night after tuiti0n dadi will fetched mii t0 u-lik exchange with her

ii didnt 0nline when ii reached h0me
ii needed t0 finish my h0mew0rk and ate my lunch @@
lucky ii get ready in time ^^
because after ii get ready Mr.0ng here t0 fetch mii
ZuYin and ii t0gether went t0 tuiti0n there t0 finish 0ur acc0unt h0mew0rk ><
BI teacher reached =]
have fun with her xD
Wen Yi t0ld mii s0mething that made mii quite happy xD

after tuiti0n
dadi there t0 fetch mii
ii called her t0 c0nfirm ab0ut the l0cati0n
she dr0ve MyV ^^
ii dream car xD
ii saw her o.0
she quite cute and beautiful ^^
and her v0ice very cute xD
very sweet ^^
chibi chibi cute cute ~
kawaii desu ^^

back h0me and 0nline
d0nt kn0w why
that time started ii'm in bad m00d ==
ii d0nt kn0w why ==
but still g0t al0t pe0ple ann0yying s0 much
my fire really can burn the sky !!!!!

s0rry t0 my friends if ii sh0wing my temper t0 y0u all
cause ii really d0nt kn0w why and ii cant c0ntr0l at all

maybe headache ab0ut m0ney
n0wadays N0 M0NEY N0 TALK !!!!!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Everything Going Better ^^

ii really l0ve MyBeautyDairy Natt0 Mask ^^
hehe xD
it really w0rks t0 my skin ^^
t0day ii rushed again @@
because Mr.0ng came t0 fetch mii early than ii think
because his driver had resign @@
ii t0t ii f0rg0t t0 bring my ph0ne but actually n0t xD
haha ~

t0day ZuYin and MingBin didnt went t0 tuiti0n because they went t0 Korea BBQ Steamb0at
why ii didnt g0? o.0
see SOMEONE there ii will v0mit cant eat at all @@
hell0 ~
ii think ii wanna g0 with YOU? ==
Nah !
actually ii n0thing 1
himself s0 dammm sensitive ii cant c0ntr0l at all ==
next time ii c0nfirm that ii sure g0 and kek sie him ~~~!! xD
wakakakakaka ^^

hmmmm o.0
actually my mami asked mii g0 central market help
but she wanted mii g0 sunday s0 that she can rest 0n sunday =]
YuRi jiejie 0ff sunday @@
that day sure b0red sie mii ==

t0day m00d quite g00d 1 ^^
because 0f al0t al0t al0t reas0n ^^

t0m0rr0w saturday lurhx ^^
HuHu xD
can sleep till late late xD
s0 happy nerhx ^^
ii w0nder ii sleep till what time? @@
LOL ==

quite sleepy lerhx @@
G00d Night All ~ =]

Friday, March 27, 2009


hmmmm o.0
what happen yesterday? @@
ii cant really remember actually ==
ii just remember that ii had slept 3 h0ur + ii think
7pm ++ untill 10pm ++ xD
PIG ~@
then ar0und 2am ii slept again @@
but untill t0day m0rning ii still felt sleepy ~_~

t0day sch00l g0t Astr0n0my c0urse at hall ==
0MG !!!
my "petpet" TT
flat and pain ==
we all been sat there f0r 1 h0ur ++
made mii felt sleepy @@

at last finished the c0urse we all faster went back t0 0ur class @@
we all sat t0gether chat al0t ^^
funny things xD
lame things xD
we all always lame lame ^^
wakakakakaka xP

we planned t0 j0in EKO extra class after sch00l started next week
really g0ing t0 study hard f0r 0ur SPM @@
MYGOD !!! ==
my result dammmmmm g00d ^^
0nly 1 h0ur ii think it quite 0k o.0
haha xD

but very unlucky my ph0ne had n0 m0re battery ><
s0me m0re ii cant f0und Ivan ==
we had walked seperately @@
because his mami fetched mii back h0me
we always walked t0gether after sch00l s0 that he can bring mii cr0ss the r0ad xD
*ii d0nt kn0w h0w t0 cr0ss the busy r0ad
*ii'm been bang by stupid car bef0re ==
when we were walking near the main gate ii saw him calling s0me0ne
his friends p0inted t0 mii when ii run t0ward Ivan @@
ii c0nfirm he called mii just n0w
ii t0ld him that my ph0ne had n0 m0re battery
he c0mplained that ii mafan @@
haha xD
JiMui never mind larhx ^^

his mami fetched us t0 eat 0ur lunch
his mami said that see us like very c0nfuse ab0ut 0ur relati0nship @@
auntie ~
y0ur s0n fall with an0ther girl n0t mii xD
Shhhhhhh ..
d0nt tell lerhx ><
haha xP
then auntie fetched mii after lunch

when ii reached h0me ii saw a p0s express
ii w0nder what had ii 0rder 0r wh0 else send mii this? o.0
when ii 0pened ii saw 1 t-shirt
ii l0ve it s0 much xD
then ii 0nly remember Yuan (net friend) said that he design cl0th and he said that he wanted t0 send mii 1 sample
Yuan, thank y0u =]
s0 cute nerhx xD
*the cl0th ii had p0st it at Gallery had a l00k there =]

plan t0 wear it later tuiti0n =]
wakakakaka xD
ii als0 plan t0 d0 mask ^^
MyBeautyDairy Natt0 Mask wait f0r mii ~~~~~~~~~~~~ xD

my friendster's sh0p public n0w ^^
ii had updated 1 album 0ver there
Sec0nd hand 1 xD
th0se things ii c0nfirm all is new 0r left at least 80%
th0se things really useless t0 mii ><
tell mii if y0u want t0 buy ^^
thanks ya xD

ab0ut the mask
need 0rder at least 10pieces 0nly can COD
0rder 1 0r 2 pieces f0r COD ii will rugi larhx TT
hehe =]

0hya ~
ii als0 need t0 thanks t0 Yin =]
thanks f0r pr0m0te my sh0p 0n y0ur bl0g ~
ii l0ve y0u <333
Muakz ~

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Dam Pain

SHIT !!!!
stupid menstrati0n pain ==
2 days already ==
still havent st0p yet
ii faint s00n @@

t0day went t0 sch00l ii alm0st fight with Edwin xD
small pr0blem 0nly larhx
s0rry ya xD
hehe ~

actually ii sh0uld be al0t things t0 write @@
but d0nt kn0w why ii f0rg0t s0me ==
0ld TT
wuwuwuwuwu ~

my friendster's sh0p had d0ne ^^
but d0nt kn0w why it still pirvate h0wever ii had set it t0 public ==
stupid friendster w0rk s0 sl0w
thanks <3

hmmm o.0
t0day quite b0red at all @@
n0thing d0 als0 ==
n0 p0int at all
just kept 0n chat with friends n0n st0p
back h0me 0nline search m0re suppler again @@
m0ney $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
haha xP

ii plan sell sec0nd hand things t00 @@
ii b0ught al0t things ==
wasted m0ney !
cause ii didnt use they all much @@
later try t0 capture s0me picture ab0ut that xD
but cant p0st at friendster first
it still private !!!
Arghx !!!!! ==
stupid friendster larhx @@
buy larhx buy larhx TT
ii need m0ney TT
wuwuwuwuwu ~

Carmen and YuRi jiejie date mii this sunday f0r BBQ Plaza
because Carmen g0t c0up0n d0nt kn0w can free what things @@
but ii left less than rm50 ==
n0n0n0n0n0 ~
rm30 ==
SHIT !!!!
d0nt tell mii "asked y0ur dadi mami give y0u larhx"
hell0 ~
they are n0t m0ney printer
need save m0ney t00
still thinking @@

t0day n0 tuiti0n xD
s0 happy ^^
can stay h0me rest
cause till n0w ii still pain - ing
n0t fait at all ==
guys w0nt feel this kind 0f stupid pain
0nly girls !
n0t fair TT
but ii enj0y t0 being a girls xD
lalalalalalala ~

ii really f0rg0t what ii want t0 write 0ver there @@
maybe ii just end my article here ~
hehe =]

Monday, March 23, 2009

Money $$$

yesterday wh0le day ii had stayed h0me 0nline @@
ii 0nline t0 search m0re suppler t0 earn m0re m0ney !
ii really lack 0f m0ney n0w ==
ii really need m0ney TT
ii f0und s0me pr0duct that ii can sell
ii planned t0 0pen a friendster acc0unt t0 sell all things ^^

GEO, GnG, Dueba, 14.2mm, 14.5mm Lens
RM60 per pair
can COD
*0nly available 0n saturday TimeSquare and Sungai Wang, f0r Central Market saturday sunday als0 can

My Beauty Dairy Mask
Rm5 per pieces
buy 10 free 1
can COD
*0nly available 0n saturday TimeSquare and Sungai Wang, f0r Central Market saturday sunday als0 can

Fake Hair Extention
it depend what type 0f fake hair y0u ch00se

my friendster acc0unt still n0t ready yet @@
when ready ii will p0st it here ^^

wh0le night ii had chat with my sis and her friend ab0ut Mailo *Dog*
skin care
0nline sh0p

she taught mii al0t ^^
she said that she will try t0 get s0me suppler f0r mii
and als0 she can b0rr0w m0ney f0r mii t0 buy st0ck s0 that ii can earn m0re
thanks al0t, jie ^^

we chat untill 2am
*0f c0urse finished dinner back h0me larhx ==
after she left ii get ready t0 sleep
ii cant fall as slept @@
because ii kept 0n thinking h0w t0 earn m0re m0ney
h0w t0 find m0re suppler
h0w t0 earn m0ney easy
untill 3.30am ii 0nly slept if ii n0 mistake ><

but ii didnt felt tired when ii w0ke up 0n 6.30am t0day m0rning
hell0 ==
h0liday END !
started sch00l @@
Ahem !
early m0rning fighted with mami ==
d0nt ask mii why
she suddenly sc0ld al0t
when ii being quiet her sc0lded
when ii talked t0 her sc0lded als0 ! ==
my OS is "faster reach sch00l larhx @@"
headache @@

at last reach h0me
miss y0u guys al0t ^^
we meet Lena
ii had b0ught a skin pr0duct fr0m her
we g0t an0ther planned again xD
what plan?
ii help her sell her pr0duct
she help mii sell my pr0duct ^^
wakakaka ~
cause we all lack 0f m0ney ==
really !
we chat al0t ab0ut mask and m0ney xD
haha ~
she als0 taugh us al0t ab0ut facial care =]
thanks =)

actually my m00d sh0uld be very g00d
because wh0le day chat with friends ab0ut m0ney, pr0duct, funny, g0ssip al0t !
the teacher that ii M0ST HATE came t0day ==
she pr0perly SHIT ==
ii think wh0le class n0 pe0ple like her
she t0t she very PR0
but DUH ~
she SUCK
really need t0 skip her !
ii dammm angry when talked ab0ut her ==

t0day Ivan fetched mii h0me
LOL ==
ii really very scare ab0ut when ii walked with him @@
because 0f his private pr0blem
ii dammmm scare 0ther misunderstand
ii'm using umbrella and he walked beside mii
*using umbrella t00
0f c0urse he need t0 help mii h0ld the umbrella ==
*ii treat my buddy like this =P
*but ii h0pe my BF will aut0maticly d0 it ^^
after s0mething happen we faster walked separately and ii faster get back my umbrella xD
haha ~

back h0me 0nline
ii wanted t0 search m0re suppler but n0t en0ugh time @@
need tuiti0n ><
t0day very rushed ><
s0me m0re ii f0rg0t t0 bring my handph0ne ><
felt weird when my ph0ne n0t with mii TT
wuwuwuwuwu ~

t0day tuiti0n quite funny
but t00 h0t @@
ii hate this kind 0f weather ><
haiz ~

thanks YuRi jiejie ^^
ii l0ve y0u t00 <333
Muakz =]

Sunday, March 22, 2009


hmmm o.0
what ahd ii d0ne this few days? o.0
ii mean h0liday ~
ii had search al0t 0f website ab0ut facial @@
my suck face dammm 0ily
big p0re TT
black head TT
0mg !!!! ==

what pr0duct can s0lve all this pr0blem? TT
d0nt tell mii branded's pr0duct
ii als0 kn0w th0se branded pr0duct w0rks but need al0t m0ney
y0u pay f0r mii? ==

k0se TT
Clinique TT
Beauty DIY TT
and m0re m0re m0re ~
all th0se are exp ==

Lena selling Dermadex
this quite g00d t00 ^^
but exp t00 larhx ><
h0w ii g0ing t0 bear the price? @@
m0ney TT
ii want ~~~~~~ $$$$$$$

ii check al0t
h0wever their price is cheaper than 0thers
but still EXP !!!
n0 m0ney f0r th0se things at all ==
need think very well @@

fake hair t00
ii always planned t0 get a fake hair
but ii scared that ii will n0t always use it and waste ><
Arghx !!!

ii selling lens and mask
SUPPORT MII !!!!!!!!
ii really need m0ney TT
haiz ~
if y0u interest tag mii let mii kn0w =]

all rm60 per-pair
can COD

My Beauty Dairy
rm5 per pieces
10 pieces free 1 pieces
can COD

d0nt kn0w why ii felt that ii have n0t much friends @@
exspecially b0ys
hell0 ~
ii didnt said l0ve 0k? ==
just th0se n0rmal b0yfriends
that can very cl0se but 0nly friendly =]
like mii and Edwin ^^
al0t pe0ple misunderstand that we are c0uple
LOL ==
d0nt lame please ==
b0th 0f us t00 friends already
h0w t0 c0uple? @@

ii g0t few girl's friends =]

still less right? o.0
ii d0nt kn0w @@
ii always ar0und this all friends ^^

but guys? o.0
0nly Edwin ==

h0w c0me s0me pe0ple can g0t a banch 0f friends? @@
ii mean real friends @@
never mind ~
c0ntined my research ab0ut facial care xD

Saturday, March 21, 2009


t0day planned t0 GaiiGaii with my LaOpOs =]
ii had l0ng time didnt meet with MingBin
this girl t00 active in sch00l's sp0rts ==
she had went t0 c0mpetit0n and sch00l's camp @@
miss her TT

ii'm n0t g0ing upl0ad pix 0ver the article
because ii had p0st it at my WebMiss ^^
with my NewBlogSkin g0t "Gallery"
what pix ii sh0uld put? o.0
give mii s0me idea =)

guess what time ii wake up t0day ^^
7.30am @@
ii cant sleep after w0ke up
s0 ii reply message and 0nline a while
Thanks t0 Rayne teach mii h0w t0 make BlogSpot's Skins ^^
ii l0ve pink xD
HuHu ~

ab0ut 9am +
ii 0ff c0mputer and started t0 prepare
ar0und 11.30am
ii went t0 get a taxi t0 ZuYin's h0use because MingBin and Zuyin waited mii there
we went t0 TS by taxi

TS g0t japanese f00d's fair ^^
0mg !!!
ii felt s0 excited ab0ut that
ii b0ught GreenTea's Drink and strawberry ch0c0late ^^
ZuYin and MingBin b0ught al0t different kind 0f ch0c0late t00 xD
ab0ut drinks, ii prefer Peach m0re =]
*Aha ! ii kn0w what pix ii sh0uld p0st at Gallery ^^*
*check 0ut later, guys ;)*

MingBin said that she was very hungry
s0 we straight went t0 BBQ Plaza ^^
ii been l0ng time didnt eat 0ver there
miss there xD
we 0rder t00 much @@
s0 Yin came and j0in us t0 help us finished it xD
after BBQ Plaza we walked seperately they went t0 GreenBox we just walked ar0und
ZuYin and MingBin bought s0me cl0th
ii just b0ught a bag
there had n0t much cl0th suitable a super skinny girl ==
dammm ugly TT
*ii had b0ught a bag ii l0ve it s0 much ^^*
*p0st at Gallery later t00 ;)*

we always went t0 7th fl00r t0ilet t00k pix xP
they was 2 girls passed by us
there was 1 girl stared at us ==
what kind 0f eyes is that?! ==
hate it
after wards they als0 went t0 t0ilet t00 ==
what they d0ing?
make up
that girl kept stare at us while she did 0thers things
ii knew it when ii turned t0 talk with ZuYin
MingBin felt that t00
skip her skip her ! ==

while ii went back t0 buy the bag ii want
MingBin and ZuYin stayed 0utside 0f the sh0p waited mii
there was 1 guys went near t0 MingBin want t0 get her number
w0w ^^
MingBin leng leng wurhx ^^
hehe xD

we went t0 0ld t0wn f0r drink then back h0me by lrt and taxi
rushed t0 rem0ve make up and changed cl0th @@
ii felt myself like sail0rm00n ==
like cant let 0thers see mii xD
tuiti0n's driver fetched mii t0 tuiti0n
dammm tired @@
haiz ~

when rest time we all chat ab0ut inserts, sea animal and al0t ==
my g0d
Zuyin afraid spider
ii afraid cockroach ==
scary TT
teacher kept 0n bully mii TT
wuwuwuwuwu xD
but she really funny ^^

back h0me and 0nline
think al0t again @@
ii think my "la0 ma0 bing" getting seri0us ==
say s0mething with0ut think * la0 ma0 bing
LaOpO c0mplained that ii getting m0re sensetive @@
ii think s0
what happen arhx? ==
d0nt kn0w @@

h0liday end s00n
need wake up early ><
lazy xDD

ii had wr0te t00 much @@
st0p here better =]
Byes ~

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Everything Going Better?

hmmm o.0

h0w l0ng ii didnt bl0g? o.0
ii d0nt kn0w @@
haha xDDD

ii had went 0ut with Yuri jiejie 0n sunday
we had n0 p0int
the reas0n that we 0ut were just because ii d0nt want t0 stay h0me
ii will change em0 when ii was al0ne
but n0w still better =]
Yuri jiejie get her 0ff day t0 rest h0me but she knew that ii was unhappy
s0 she acc0mpany mii 0ut ^^
thanks al0t jie
ii l0ve y0u ^^

ii was reached there early because ii d0nt want t0 late again ><
everytime 0ut with Jiejie ii always late TT
s0rry ya ><
ii walked ar0und while ii waiting her
ii met my kindergarden's "friend"
ii n0t very cl0se and like her
ii d0nt want t00 ==
this girl
t0tally EVIL !
since ii same class with her and sit beside her last time
fr0m kids till n0w
ii als0 felt that ii win her anythings =P
ii felt al0t
ii sh0uld'nt say this
this will sh0w mii m0re bad
g0t al0t reas0n actually
skip this =]

ii als0 meet Weng
my juni0r =]
he said that he acc0mpany friends

m0re a while
YuRi jieje reached =]
we started walked ar0und
we was very hungry @@
ar0und 12pm +
we still havent ate any f00ds even breakfast ==
we went t0 6th fl00r t0 had 0ur meal
Carmen came t0 j0in us t00
cause she saw mii xDDD
we walked ar0und and b0ught s0me cl0ths
we als0 met Carmen's BF
0mg !
s0 tall !!
and hands0me t00 xDD

we walked separately after met her bf
let them gaiigaii ^^
we went t0 TS c0ntined sh0pping xDD
and als0 t00k s0me pix xDD
ii b0ught a cute pyjamas f0r 0nly rm10 xDD
Carmen and her bf came and j0in us f0r tea time
her bf really s0 funny ==
ii laughed N0N - ST0P !!! ><

we went back t0 SW again
ar0und 5 nearly 6 we went t0 CM
cause that day was my sis chinese's birthday
we planned t0 celebrate f0r her ^^

that YingZ !!
always came KL with0ut telling Mii and Yuri jiejie !!! ==
kill her =P
ii kidnap her and kept 0n walked ar0und CM while chating xD

0hya !!
ii saw Kate Limited Edit0r Eyeshad0w xDDD
ii want ii want ii want !!!!
ii knew this fr0m KeiKei
rm59.90 @@
auntie disc0unt f0r mii rm53
but ii had n0t en0ugh cash ><
auntie said kept f0r mii ^^
HuHu ~
ii l0ve y0u =P

ii had dinner with my sis
ii didnt prepare any present f0r her ><
because ii really d0nt kn0w what kind 0f things she like ><
maybe her real birthday ii gift again xD
Happy Birthday My Pretty Sis ^^
and als0 c0ntr0l y0ur temper t00 =P
ii l0ve y0u ^^
Muakz ~

ii d0nt kn0w what happen t0 my friends ==
2 0f them really @@
they are s0 .......
silly ==

at least y0u sms mii
sh0uld ii happy ab0ut it?
ii felt that y0u find mii when y0u are b0red
ii'm n0t a things that can waste y0ur time when y0u are b0red

ii feel much m0re better n0w =]
ii glad t0 have friends acc0mpany
n0 matter real friends , net friends ..
thanks y0u all =]


Friday, March 13, 2009


all things just a fake

why always like this ! ==
ii really crazy already ....
ign0re mii !!!

Thursday, March 12, 2009


what the !!!!!
ii dammmm m00dy n0w !!!!
started ii just a littie bit unhappy
after my mami came back
fighted with her just because stupid meat !!!

ii admit started ii did s0mething wr0ng that ii f0rg0t keep laundry bef0re she back
keep 0n nag nag nag nag nag nag nag nag !!!!
really burn my fire !!!!
ii just ign0re her and c0ntined sms and 0nline

bef0re she back h0me she called mii t0 t00k 0ut the SHIT mean f0r her t0 c00k s0up
HELLO !!!!
there are different kinf 0f meat h0w ii kn0w which meat that y0u need ?!
just because 0f the stupid meat sc0ld mii like HELL !!!!
ii already in bad m00d f0r wh0le day
n0w y0u still like this ?!
ARGHX ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ii'm 0N FIRE N0W !!!!!!

h0w c0me y0u didnt reply my message since yesterday night?
ii already sms y0u yesterday night and waiting y0ur reply TILL N0W !
is it s0 hard t0 send mii a message?
ii am thinking that y0u are sms with an0ther girls and trying t0 ign0re mii
but wh0 am ii?
just a friends ...
just a NORMAL friend .....

WTH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SUCK DAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


t0day ii d0wnl0aded HSH as usual
t0day t0pic was ab0ut h0r0sc0pe pers0nality
all th0se h0r0sc0pe are s0 EXCELLENT !!!!!!

ii d0nt why she s0 pr0 guess all th0se things ==
and 0f c0urse ii als0 will p0st here because it really very g00d exspecially f0r GIRLS !!!
let y0u kn0w s0me b0y's h0r0sc0pe ^^
ii will try t0 translate t0 english cause all th0se ii type by myself in chinese
it is a chinese sh0w larhx ==
my english n0t very well if any mistake let mii kn0w please =]

*if my f0nt c0l0ur is red mean ii really argee with it*

which h0r0sc0pe (guys) easy make girl angry?

number 3 = 水瓶座 Aquarius
* 自以为花花公子来着 博爱 很喜欢耍绅士
你进他退 你退他就进 对他好一点就冷淡了 不理你 你一认真他就开始落跑
例子 : 如果你去参加水瓶座的婚礼 就会有一桌是前女友的 他个人认为只有非凡的男人 才能有这样的场面
[ 换句话说是自恋 我个人加的 ]

* they t0t they are "fl0wer prince" l0ve t0 act gentlemen
example : if y0u attend Aquaries's wedding he will set 1 special table f0r his EX girl friends
he feel that 0nly guys like him can d0 this kind 0f things
when y0u treat him better, he will started t0 c0ld with y0u
if y0u seri0us with him he will start t0 run away
h0wever he g0t girl friend he still will t0ld y0u that yesterday ii had dreamed ab0ut y0u

number 2 = 天蝎座 Scorpio
* 他们很闷骚 很喜欢乱放电 就算他有女朋友但是他还是一样对其他女生好 如果那个女生一直黏他他也不会拒绝
当他的女朋友问他为什么这样 他又会装傻说他不知道 他很喜欢很多人喜欢他的感觉

* they like t0 simply treat a girl very g00d even they already g0t girl friends
if that girl keep 0n stick with him he als0 w0nt reject
but when his real girl friend ask why he d0 all this he will act d0nt kn0w
he like the feeling that al0t pe0ple fall with him
even he g0t an0ther girl friend, his real girl friends g0t pr00f he w0nt admit at all

number 1 = 狮子座 Taurus
* 他只爱他自己 都不把别人当人看 只在乎自己 对外耍帅 胆子很小 很怕失败 犹豫不决
容易恼羞成怒 常常不讲道理 就算他觉得他错了但是他不会道歉 要准备好好给他台阶下对他好 他才会道歉

* they 0nly l0ve themself 0ther pe0ple is n0t imp0rtant t0 them
they just care ab0ut themself
they like t0 sh0w they are hands0me t0 0thers
but they are chicken-heart they scare l0st
h0wever they did s0mething wr0ng they w0nt ap0l0gize
if y0u want ap0l0gize y0u need t0 set all things f0r him let he ap0l0gize

which h0r0sc0pe (girls) will like t0 0rder guys d0 al0t things when they fall in l0ve?

number 3 = 摩蝎座 Capricorn
* 他们很需要被重视关心 他常常会比较谁喜欢谁多一点 如果她喜欢的人正在默默的勾引她 她什么都很好配合
如果你正在追求她 她会给你很多考验测试你 很容易没有安全感 很喜欢在别人面前欺负男朋友 自己却在暗爽

* they always feel unsafety they will always test that wh0 like wh0 m0re
if the pe0ple they admire try t0 tempt them they will f0ll0w
if the pe0ple they damire chase them they will give al0t 0f test t0 them
they like t0 bully their bf in fr0nt 0f 0thers but themself will feel very happy

number 2 = 双鱼座 Pisces
* 很喜欢训练男朋友 没有浪漫情素可言 如果关系熟了她就开始把你当成事业伙伴 讲话的态度会变成下指令

* they like t0 train their b0y friends
they are n0t r0mantic at all
if y0u m0re cl0ser with her she will treat y0u as busniess partner
the way they talk t0 y0u it like 0rder y0u help them d0 s0mething

number 1 = 天秤座 Libra
* 远看是个大美女 但是近看就会觉得难一驯服 拥有男子气概
做为她的男朋友她永远都觉得有错要讲清楚 有错就要罚 如果真的错了她也不会轻易原谅他
即使她不生气了 但是她还是觉得不可以那么容易让他得逞

* y0u can see that she is a pretty girl fr0m far
but when near y0u will feel that she quite man and hard t0 c0ntr0l
as her b0y friends if g0t wr0ng must tell pr0perly
if y0u wr0ng must be punish
h0wever she st0p angy with y0u but she als0 w0nt f0rgive y0u easily

really very g00d nerhx ^^
t0m0rr0w still g0t 1 0r 2 m0re ii f0rg0t
time t0 bed =]

g00d nite ^^

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


ii had 3 days h0liday
ii didnt went anywhere ii just stay h0me and 0nline being 宅女 *wh0 kn0w this w0rd? <<< ==*
watch m0vie
chat with friends
ii did all this in 3 days n0thing change
even when 0ut pack f00d ii als0 lazy @@

when ii was al0ne did n0thing
ii felt that ii'm very useless and wasting time ><
if ii fail my SPM am ii g0ing c0ntined like this?
think f0r few mins
ii started scare ><
faster get s0me b00ks and study f0r my exam ><
scary TT

t0day ii went t0 sch00l
ii t0ld my friends ab0ut this
they als0 d0ing the same things with mii ><
they als0 felt scary and useless ab0ut themself ==
we kept talked ab0ut this t0pic
n0 m0re 宅女 !!!!!
started study ^^

we als0 chat ab0ut 0ur ambiti0n ^^

KF wanna bec0me a designer that design by using c0mputer
cause he interest ab0ut c0mputer

ZuYin wanna bec0me a translater
she learning Japanese n0w
and she quite g00d in BI BM

Michelle wanna bec0me a busniess w0men
she planned t0 study busniess

hell0 ~
n0t that kind 0f PR 0k? ==
ii'm high class ^^
*lame ==*
ii d0nt kn0w the l0ng term 0f PR any0ne can tell mii? @@
kn0w why ii want t0 bec0me PR?
ii s0 talkative sure can get al0t sales ^^
my cust0mer buy my things just because ii'm t00 ann0yying xDDD
haha ~
busniess als0 n0t bad
but ii like t0 talk m0re ^^
HuHu ~

started acc0unt exam @@
die die die ==
when ii t0uched the paper all my acc0unt's mem0ry g0ne !!!!!!
ii stunned while ii h0lding the paper ><
lucky at the end ii remember back abit s0 ii faster finished
but still
ii blacked f0rm5 chapter 1 questi0n ==
s0rry teacher TT
lalalalalala xP
felt s0 relax after finished the paper ^^

ii get my POPTEEN fr0m Mavis ~
HuHu ~
s0 happy that ii get it xPPP
ii l0ve t0 see leng zai
and 0f c0urse leng luii t00 ^^
hehe xDDD
ii l0ve y0u ^^
daisuki =]

ii als0 try t0 learn japanese by myself
ii l0ve japanese t00 ^^
haha xDDD

Sunday, March 8, 2009

One Day

how many pe0ple will die in 0ne day?
h0w many baby will b0rn in 0ne day?
h0w many pe0ple will br0ke with their bf/gf in 0ne day?
h0w many pe0ple will c0uple with the pers0n their l0ve in 0ne day?

what will happen?
h0w many things will happen?
ii d0nt kn0w @@

ii always think this when ii sitting inside a car
if an0ther car crash 0n my car what will happen t0 mii?
if ii didnt die but the pers0n wh0 t0gether with mii die h0w?
sad and cry?
ii d0nt kn0w

ii always think this when ii cr0ss the r0ad
if ii happen accident again
am ii crack my leg again?
0r ii cant walk f0rever?
0r die?
ii d0nt kn0w

this few days ii bec0me em0 when ii al0ne
d0nt kn0w why ==

ii think al0t
think ab0ut the questi0n that ii type here

what will happen in my future?
m0ve t0 PJ?
study in c0llage?
fail my SPM?
get a my car?
c0ntined stay with parents?
get a rich bf?
ii d0nt kn0w

when my mind will bec0me mature?
when ii will st0p scream here and there?
when ii will st0p ann0ying?

ii d0nt kn0w why this few days ii have al0t questi0n
just ign0re it ...

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Lack Of EQ

ii really lack 0f EQ ==
sh0uld said that ii have n0 EQ ==

ii really cant hide my expressi0n t0 any0ne
if ii hate y0u
ii w0nt less and d0nt want talk with y0u
my face will sh0w "ii hate y0u" 0r "ii d0nt like y0u" this kind 0f expressi0n @@
ya, y0u can blame mii h0w c0me ii s0 evil
ii als0 d0nt kn0w why
ii really d0nt have much EQ t0 hide all my expressi0n
even 1 als0 hard ><

because 0f this my temper really n0t g00d @@
this 1 ii really admit all the time xDD
endure really is t00 hard f0r mii ==
h0wever al0t 0f my friends ask mii t0 try
ii really hate pe0ple sh0wing 0ff in fr0nt 0f mii
y0u are s0 pr0
but st0p sh0w 0ff in fr0nt 0f mii
ii really will die @@

actually ab0ut net friends
f0r guys ii really prefer t0 chat at FS FB all things
just n0t msn ==
ii will type all my OS there ==
s0metime friendster ii did t00 ><
but ii really cant endure t00 much
my patient ii think 0nly g0t 0.1% ==
f0r girls ii can treat it very friendly ^^
f0r guys, ii'm s0rry
ii really will in fire @@
but n0t all
very very very very very very few *maybe 1 0r 2* ii will treat them as n0rmal friends @@

ii think g0t al0t net friends feel that ii very pr0ud and LC
hmmmm o.0
actually ii dammm an0yying dammmm talkalive
untill all my friends wanna kill mii =P
s0rry larhx xDDD

if s0me days ii less talk 100 sentences in half h0ur
mean that ii d0wning 0r thats n0t mii !!!!!
hahahahaha ~
GH0ST ~~~~~~~~~ @@

*n0w my m00d quite bad, cause my parents and my sis pr0blem ii been implicated*
*sc0lded by them just because 0f they are in bad m00d*

what things can upgrade my EQ? o.0
but ii d0nt think ii will success ==
really 1 ~
if can
ii think ii success l0ng time ag0 ==
ii feel that ii am a fake capric0rn
my friends feel that t00
h0wever g0t a little same with capric0rn @@
ii am faker xDDDD
lalalalala ~

*ign0re mii =P*

Byes =]
blehx =P

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


yesterday m0rning ii had a VERY G00D M0RNING bef0re ii went t0 sch00l
actually just small matter @@
but ii really felt s0 ....... ><
0k fine
just ign0re it ==

t0day m0rning s0mething happen again ==
this quite seri0us
but lucky at the end settled =]
hehe ^^
ii still very l0ve y0u, Jie =)
d0nt think t00 much ~

s0metime ii really feel that being single is much m0re better than c0uple
y0u kn0w
ii d0nt kn0w settle pr0blem
ii just kn0w h0w t0 make it m0re w0rst
my brain d0esnt w0rk very well
and ii just a stupid girls that easy cry
alth0ugh ii kn0w ii need t0 get marry in the future
but n0w
ii really l0ve single m0re
d0nt ask mii d0 ii admire wh0?
n0 s0rry
ii didnt admire any0ne
if ii g0t
ii think that guys is artist fr0m Taiwan LOLLIPOP that Prince
ii seri0us

and ii als0 kn0w why girls will bec0me TB
it just because they get hurt t00 much
ii felt lucky that my mami b0rn mii as a girl
ii g0t my best friends
ii can make up
enj0y sh0pping
chat with my la0p0s jiejie
all this things ii can d0 it t0gether with they all when ii unhappy

actually the feeling ii write this is just a small part 0f my feeling
it just t00 much t0 say

s0 sad ab0ut this ...
Cheers, My friends
n0 matter y0u kn0w mii 0r n0t
0r y0u just pass by
0r 0ther reas0n
please Cheer y0urself =)
y0ur friends and family ar0und y0u are w0rry ab0ut y0u if y0u are unhappy
n0 t0 try t0 hide y0ur feeling ~

Monday, March 2, 2009

My Beauty Dairy

My Beauty Dairy
a t0p and cheap mask in TAIWAN n0w ^^
ii wanna buy this since l0ng time ag0 ==
ii kn0w this mask since last year fr0m NANA and POPTEEN
it g0t different type 0f mask
f0r different kind 0f skin

yesterday ZuYin and ii went t0 KLCC t0 get this mask fr0m my suppler ^^
she quite beautiful xDDD
haha ~
s0 excited and happy that ii get 1 big pack 0f mask ~
HuHu =D
haha ~

we went t0 sushi king arranged this mask and ate 0ur lunch =]
after arranged we walked ar0und and back h0me ~
ii went t0 ZuYin's h0use rem0ve 0ur make up and get ready f0r mask ^^
felt s0 excited ab0ut the mask ~
we tried it and watched m0vies t0gether ~
after half h0ur we t00k 0ff the mask
0mg !!!
ii l0ve the kind 0f feeling xPPPP

y0u all wanna try? ^^
add my new friendster acc0unt that f0r mask ^^
but ii havent set up all th0se
cause ii'm late f0r my dinner ><
maybe y0u all have a l00k t0m0rr0w aftern00n ~

dinner dinner =D
Byes ~