Sunday, March 1, 2009

TaDa !!!
thats Mailo ^^
is a DOGGIE ^^
but n0t mine @@
it bel0ng t0 my sis's friend ~
he n0t free t0 take care 0f it s0 asked my sis helped untill m0nday ~
s0 happy that g0t 1 cute d0g like this ^^
d0nt kn0w why this few days ii feel like wanna have a d0g @@
maybe ii'm t00 b0red al0ne at h0use? @@
d0nt kn0w ==

Mailo have inferi0rity c0mplex ><
is because the EX 0wner ==
my sis said that Mailo f0ll0wed her friend when she 0utg0ing that time
her friend said that there was al0t hurt ar0und her b0dy ><
h0w cruel is the EX 0wner !!
every m0rning need help Mailo put eyedr0p
skin pr0blem
and Mailo is c0ward ==
even y0u clap in fr0nt 0f her she will fighten by y0u ><
haiz ~
what a pittyful d0g TT
we had planned t0 g0 NZX's pet sh0p s0 that Mailo can played with 0thers d0ggie ^^
bef0re that
we needed t0 g0 t0 IKANO buy it's f00d ~
and 0f c0urse b0ught f0r my NANCY t00 ~
hehe xDDD
when we reached the pet sh0p there was al0t d0ggie 0ver there ^^
but Mailo was frighten buy them ==
she hided herself 0ver the c0rner ><
every0ne tried t0 play with her but she just ign0re them ==
even d0ggies ......
there was 1 d0ggie with n0 name *ii d0nt kn0w her name actually ==*
wanna play with Mailo
Mailo treated it as transparent ==
when the d0ggie licked Mailo's ear
Mailo started t0 fight back ==
it really is weird d0g ><
ii had capture they "fight"
funny xDDD *ii mean f0r mii*
and cute t00 ^^
have a l00k ^^

d0 y0u remember 101 d0g sp0t 0r what sp0t whatever ! ==
ii f0rg0t @@
there was a w0men name KuXXXX *ii f0rg0t t00, if y0u kn0w can y0u let mii kn0w? =)*
she had a d0ggie right?
ii saw that kind 0f d0ggie 0ver thereit quite stupid ==
and funny xPPP
she will jumped when she barked xPP
bark 1 time jump 1 time
her l00k like "Luii Luii" =P
haha ~

ii cant stayed there f0r l0ng cause my dadi mami was waiting at grandma h0use ><
s0 ab0ut 11.30pm we f0rced t0 back ><
ii will miss y0u Mail0 TT
h0wever ii d0nt think y0u will remember mii ==

ii hug y0u
ii feed y0u
ii pet y0u
ii l0ve y0u =D

HuHu ~~~~~~


  1. wahh Mailo macam my MOMO sia !

  2. wahh Mailo macam my MOMO sia !

  3. omg!
    how come got ppl so cruel...
