Wednesday, March 11, 2009


t0day ii d0wnl0aded HSH as usual
t0day t0pic was ab0ut h0r0sc0pe pers0nality
all th0se h0r0sc0pe are s0 EXCELLENT !!!!!!

ii d0nt why she s0 pr0 guess all th0se things ==
and 0f c0urse ii als0 will p0st here because it really very g00d exspecially f0r GIRLS !!!
let y0u kn0w s0me b0y's h0r0sc0pe ^^
ii will try t0 translate t0 english cause all th0se ii type by myself in chinese
it is a chinese sh0w larhx ==
my english n0t very well if any mistake let mii kn0w please =]

*if my f0nt c0l0ur is red mean ii really argee with it*

which h0r0sc0pe (guys) easy make girl angry?

number 3 = 水瓶座 Aquarius
* 自以为花花公子来着 博爱 很喜欢耍绅士
你进他退 你退他就进 对他好一点就冷淡了 不理你 你一认真他就开始落跑
例子 : 如果你去参加水瓶座的婚礼 就会有一桌是前女友的 他个人认为只有非凡的男人 才能有这样的场面
[ 换句话说是自恋 我个人加的 ]

* they t0t they are "fl0wer prince" l0ve t0 act gentlemen
example : if y0u attend Aquaries's wedding he will set 1 special table f0r his EX girl friends
he feel that 0nly guys like him can d0 this kind 0f things
when y0u treat him better, he will started t0 c0ld with y0u
if y0u seri0us with him he will start t0 run away
h0wever he g0t girl friend he still will t0ld y0u that yesterday ii had dreamed ab0ut y0u

number 2 = 天蝎座 Scorpio
* 他们很闷骚 很喜欢乱放电 就算他有女朋友但是他还是一样对其他女生好 如果那个女生一直黏他他也不会拒绝
当他的女朋友问他为什么这样 他又会装傻说他不知道 他很喜欢很多人喜欢他的感觉

* they like t0 simply treat a girl very g00d even they already g0t girl friends
if that girl keep 0n stick with him he als0 w0nt reject
but when his real girl friend ask why he d0 all this he will act d0nt kn0w
he like the feeling that al0t pe0ple fall with him
even he g0t an0ther girl friend, his real girl friends g0t pr00f he w0nt admit at all

number 1 = 狮子座 Taurus
* 他只爱他自己 都不把别人当人看 只在乎自己 对外耍帅 胆子很小 很怕失败 犹豫不决
容易恼羞成怒 常常不讲道理 就算他觉得他错了但是他不会道歉 要准备好好给他台阶下对他好 他才会道歉

* they 0nly l0ve themself 0ther pe0ple is n0t imp0rtant t0 them
they just care ab0ut themself
they like t0 sh0w they are hands0me t0 0thers
but they are chicken-heart they scare l0st
h0wever they did s0mething wr0ng they w0nt ap0l0gize
if y0u want ap0l0gize y0u need t0 set all things f0r him let he ap0l0gize

which h0r0sc0pe (girls) will like t0 0rder guys d0 al0t things when they fall in l0ve?

number 3 = 摩蝎座 Capricorn
* 他们很需要被重视关心 他常常会比较谁喜欢谁多一点 如果她喜欢的人正在默默的勾引她 她什么都很好配合
如果你正在追求她 她会给你很多考验测试你 很容易没有安全感 很喜欢在别人面前欺负男朋友 自己却在暗爽

* they always feel unsafety they will always test that wh0 like wh0 m0re
if the pe0ple they admire try t0 tempt them they will f0ll0w
if the pe0ple they damire chase them they will give al0t 0f test t0 them
they like t0 bully their bf in fr0nt 0f 0thers but themself will feel very happy

number 2 = 双鱼座 Pisces
* 很喜欢训练男朋友 没有浪漫情素可言 如果关系熟了她就开始把你当成事业伙伴 讲话的态度会变成下指令

* they like t0 train their b0y friends
they are n0t r0mantic at all
if y0u m0re cl0ser with her she will treat y0u as busniess partner
the way they talk t0 y0u it like 0rder y0u help them d0 s0mething

number 1 = 天秤座 Libra
* 远看是个大美女 但是近看就会觉得难一驯服 拥有男子气概
做为她的男朋友她永远都觉得有错要讲清楚 有错就要罚 如果真的错了她也不会轻易原谅他
即使她不生气了 但是她还是觉得不可以那么容易让他得逞

* y0u can see that she is a pretty girl fr0m far
but when near y0u will feel that she quite man and hard t0 c0ntr0l
as her b0y friends if g0t wr0ng must tell pr0perly
if y0u wr0ng must be punish
h0wever she st0p angy with y0u but she als0 w0nt f0rgive y0u easily

really very g00d nerhx ^^
t0m0rr0w still g0t 1 0r 2 m0re ii f0rg0t
time t0 bed =]

g00d nite ^^


  1. lol i hope there is no bad things about sagataurius, i wonder if it is that accurate lol
    well i don't really believe in those things
    but I'll play along ^_^

    from Dog^^

  2. ops sry wrong url this is the real 1

  3. how u get the h0r0sc0pe pers0nality?
    by: night-kid

  4. really?
    h0w c0me y0u d0nt believe? @@
    y0u guys always like this ~

    f0r d0g =]

  5. erm
    it a m0vie fr0m taiwan
    Blackie o.0
    y0u kn0w?
    0r y0u kn0w HeyGirl?
    this a girl's sh0w =]
    ii knew fr0m there ~

    f0r - night-kid
